A Bad Mood

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Hey guys, it's been way too long since I last updated. My bad. But I should have the next few chappys up soon. Enjoy! X

The next day at work my head was messed up more than ever. I'd woken up wrapped up in Julian's arms, he was fast asleep and I managed to have a few moments just lying there, taking in this moment, knowing there was only one more like this until he had to fly home. My stomach dropped at that thought. No matter what I did I couldn't block out how much I was going to miss him. But eventually that would fade. Right?

"I'm so ready for tonight" Amelia gushed, bringing me out of my thoughts. "huh?" I blinked, unsure of what she was saying. "tonight?" she raised her brow at me, "having dinner with Julian and Danny?" she asked, wondering what had come over me. "oh, yeah" I smiled weakly. "what's the matter?" she asked, probably already knowing the answer, but I lied anyway. "I've just got all that paper work to do before we leave tonight" I brushed it off, ignoring her dubious look too. "was everything alright with him last night?" she asked, careful not to overly pry. I nodded, looking down at my lunch, as we sat in the canteen. "yeah, it couldn't have been more perfect" I looked back at her. She smiled knowingly. "therein lies the problem huh" she replied. I nodded. "tonight is either going to be the start to something beautiful, or the perfect end to a whirlwind romance." she sighed. I swallowed hard. I still wasn't sure what the outcome would be either.


That night, we had agreed to meet the guys in the restaurant of choice, being they were at the other side of the city to us.

I was grateful to be heading there with Amelia, hoping that she calmed my nerves a little. But I was too flustered to even think about it. My outfit didn't look how I wanted it to, nor did my make up or my hair. Tonight wasn't the night that I wanted to be this upset.

"everything is just going fucking wrong" I whined as I stood looking at myself in the mirror of my bedroom. We'd poured out the contents of our make up bags onto my bed and had decided to get ready in here together. Amelia looked up at me from her spot on the floor by the window. She sighed and shook her head. "I don't know where you're looking Pen, but I think you look amazing" she smiled. I sighed and looked back at my reflection. Amelia was always honest with me, and I think I was in that kind of mood that if I had the top people making me over tonight I'd still not be happy. "you know, for a woman who hasn't made her mind up, you're surely putting a lot of effort into your look tonight" she teased. I glared at her playfully, momentarily forgetting about my nerves. "come on," she said standing up, her heels dangling from her fingers. "if you work your mascara or add more product to your hair you'll over do it." she said, grabbing her bag. I silently agreed with her, so I turned away from my questionable reflection and decided to pack away the make up strewn all over my bed.


We arrived to the meeting point on time, expecting the guys to be late, but there they were, sitting in a booth waiting for us. "Jesus they look good" Amelia sighed as we stood waiting to check in our coats. I had noticed as soon as we'd walked in the place, so I nodded and chose not to look round at them. "you alright?" she asked me, noting my slightly frosty attitude. "uh huh" I answered, chewing on my gum. I passed the lady my coat and took the numbered piece of paper, stuffing it into my bag. "let's get this over with" I said, turning back to face the room. Julian and Danny had spotted us already, the smile on J's face showed how happy he was. God why did I feel like this was gonna be the longest night of my life?

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