Chapter 96: We Don't Care

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"Ok Liesel. You go get the party decorations, and I'll get the food." Norman said putting on hsi shirt and buttoning his pants.

"What kind of decortations?" i asked putting my sweater on and sitting on the couch.

"I don't care. It's your party. It could be about anything. Just get whatever you want and meet me at the house int 2 hourse. Casue that's when the party is."

"Hey about me?" Mingus asked

"What about you?" I asked

"I want to help out with the party." Mingus wined.

"We'll Mingus you can get cupcakes. Or cake. But get enough to feed 50 people. And and if you get cupcakes don't get the ones with oreo toppings. Those are nasty." I said.

"50 people? Why don't you just invite the who neighbor to come." Mingus threw his hands in the air.

"Mingus, That's a good idea. Ok get enough cupcakes to feed 200 people. Or 300 hundrend. You know what make it 400. " Norman said

"I was kidding. Can't you take a joke?" Mingus asked

"Yes, I was just kidding. Calm down. Don't worry. Just get 100 cupcakes. Or 3 cakes." 

"Ok but with what money cause right now i'm broke."

"What happened to the $200 i gave you 2 weeks ago."

"Oh.... I spent it." Mingus said.

"Oh yeah? On what?" Norman asked

"Duh... On new jeans. I gotta look good for the ladies."

"So you spent your allownce on a pair of jeans?' i asked. He shook his head. "What do you mean no? You just told me."

"I spent my allownce on 2 pairs of jeans. Like I would be stupid enough to spend my money on a pair of jeans."

"We'll to me you are that stupid." He smaked my head. "Ow..."

"Oh sorry did I hit you? I didn't see you there." Mingus smikered at me

"Oh just watch MIngus Reedus. I'll get you back"

"No you won't now Daddy are you going to give me money or what?" Mingus asked holding out his hands.

"Yes, and daddy? You haven't called me that since you were 5. Awe... My baby boy wants to call me daddy again." Norman said pinching his cheeks hard.

"Ow.... Dad. Your hurting me. Why are you uhrting yoru only children."

"One cause it's fun, and two your not my only child. Remember you have a sister as well."

"Eh... I mean your the one who wanted to get a daughter. I would have been fine with a doggy?"

"Mingus what's up with you takking like a little kid? First daddy? Now doggy? i swear. It's like you want me to hit you." i said.

He looked at me and rolled his eyes. Norman gave him the money and Mingus left the trailer. Norman looked at me and smiled. "Where did we go wrong?" he asked sitting down next to him

"Hey you raised him not me." i raised my hands. He laughed

"True. Now get going. Go get the decortations."

"Can Chandler come?" i asked

"I don't care. Just get the decortations and meet me at the house."

"Ok bye dad." i said.

"Bye Liesel." 

I went outside and hit Chandler in the face with the door. I gasped. "Oh my god Chandler are you ok?" i asked closing the door.

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now