Chapter 34: Ellen Degeneres

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Its been 4 days since Norman took my phone. We were leaving soon. I was almost done packing. When i was done packing i went down stairs.  Norman and Mingus were packing Apollos and Artiems stuff. Apollo and Artiems are going to stay at Chandlers house for the weekend. Sam told me that his mom is going to let him come with me to California. I was so exicted.

"I'm done packing." i said

"Did you pack a dress for the show?" Norman asked



"No inside i put my converse."

"Ok? Now lets go get Sam." he said

We put our stuff in the trunk. It took us a few minutes. I grabbed my book and sat in the back seat. Since Norman has my phone i was only allowed to read books. We drove to Sams house and i got out to go get him. His mom answered the door.

"Hi Mrs. Daniels."

"Hi there Liesel."

"Is Sam here?"

"Yea. He'll be right down."

I stood there waiting for Sam. Mrs. Daniels went inside and left me out here. Sam took forever until he came down stairs.

"Finally." i said

"How long have you been here?"

"5 minutes."


"Lets get going"

Sam put his bag in the back. Then he came and sat by me. He was lisening to music on his phone. He's lucky that his mom doesn't take away his phone. I was reading 50 shades of gray. It took us about 7 minutes to get to the airport. When we got there we got our bags put. We went thought baggue check then went to take our seats. Norman and I sat together. Sam and MIngus sat together.

It would take us 2 hours to get to Cali. I was reading my book the whole time. When we got there i got done with my book. We grabbed our bags and called a taxi. The taxi came in a few minutes. When we got to the hotel we all shared a room. Which was weird. There were two beds.

"Umm Dad there are only two beds" i said

"I know Mingus and i will share a bed. You and Sam will share a bed. Now if i let you to sleep together this will be the only time for a while ok?"


"Now get dressed because we need to get to the set in 2 hours."

I went to the bathroom and changed. I wore a short blue dress with a black belt. My converse were the color blue to match my dress. I curled my hair. I did my make up. When i was done i went back out side and saw eveyone was dressed.(Dress on the side) Sam was wearing a cheacked shirt. It was purple and balck. He also wore dark jeans and a chain on it. Norman wore a gray shirt with a black tie. Mingus wore a star shirt, some jeans, and yellow shoes. We all went to the car and we drove to the Ellen Set. When we got there i check my self in. They told me to wait.

"There's nothing to worry about Liesel. This is no different then working on a movie."

"Yes it is. On a movie it's not live and if i mess up then i can do it again. And on this set it's live and if i mess up everyone will laugh at me."

"No they wont now just breath. Have you pratice your song?"

"Yes i have."

"Then you'll do fine."


"Wish me luck." i said

I walked out and the song Can't Hold Us came on. I waved to everyone in the crown. They all clapped for me. This wasn't as bad as it seemed. I walked over to Ellen and she gave me a hug.

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now