Chapter 49: Sick

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(Liesel's POV.)

When i woke up i was in my bed. Then all of the sudden i sneezed. I felt light headed. My nose my running. When i walked to the mirrior i looked at myself. I looked awful. I tried walking downstairs but when i was at the last step i fell down. Mingus and Norman came running toawrds me.

"Are you ok Liesel?" Norman asked

"Yea i'm fine." i said

"You don't look fine." Mingus said

"I said i'm fine."

"Maybe you should just go lay down and i'll email you onlibe teacher saying that you won't be able to wrok today." Norman said

"Ok i guess i'll go back to bed."

I walked all the way back upstaris. After all that work i did coming downstairs i need to go up. What a great way to send life. When i got to the top floor i curlded up on the floor and toke a nap. I didn't even make it to my bed. 

(Norman's POV.)

I've never seen her this sick. She must feel bad. I called her online teacher and she said it was fine. I told her when she is feeling better she will do her homework. When i went upstairs i saw Liesel just curled up in a ball on the floor. I picked her up and put her in her bed. 

I think i better call a doctor. A home doctor. There will be no way i'll be able to get Liesel to a doctor. She's terrifed of going to the doctors. Lucky i have a friend that's a doctor. I called him and he came over in about 10 mintues.

"Liesel wake up." I said

"Huh i'm up." she said then sneezed

"Bless you." we all said

"Hi Liesel i'm Dr. Keight."

"Hi i'm ummmm. ummm what's my name?" she said

"Don't worry he knows you name."

Dave took some test and he told me that Liesel had the flu. I didn't know what to do. Mingus never had the Flu. It's a good thing that Dave gave me some medicene to give to Liesel. He told me that she should just sleep the rest of the day. I was scared that if Liesel fell asleep that shew would have bad dreams. But the first time i woke her up she seemed calm. I thought i would just let her sleep.

(Chandler's POV.)

I took a shower then i called Liesel. Norman picked up.

(N- Norman L- Liesel)

N- Hello?

C- Hey Norman is Liesel there?

N- No she's really sick and i don't think you should see her today. She might be contagouis.

C- Oh tell her to get well soon.

N- Don't worry i will.

C- Ok Bye.

N- Bye.

I hung up the phone and looked at my wall. I couldn't believe that Liesel was sick. It was really hard to believe. Then i decided to hang out with some friends.

(Liesel's POV.)

I woke up for the 3rd time today. It was still day time. I grabbed my phone because it was ringing. Hazel was calling me.

"Hey Haz." i said

"Hey Liesel what's wrong?" she said over the phone

"I'm sick."

"Oh if you want me to call back later i will."

"No it's fine what do you need?"

"I was wonder if you wanted to meet the person who is replacing you in the movie."

"Ummm i don't know."


"Ok. Fine." i said

"Thank you so much. I'll be over in 5 minutes."

I sat there looking at the celicing. Nothing to do. I thought i would take a quick nap before Hazel came over. A few minutes later my bed was shaking. My eyes fluttered open and i saw Hazel jumping up and down on my bed. 

"How long have i been sleeping?"

"I've been trying to get you up for about an hour." Hazel said


"So do you want to meet her?"

"Yea sure."

"Let me get her."

I was so scared. Who could it be? I didn't know. As i heard footsteps my heart started pumping faster and faster. Then i saw her come out the door. 

It was Rachel...........


Hey guys how's it going. Sorry if this was a bad chapter. I had no ideas so i just wrote something down. Plus i'm really tired. I had totally forgot that i had to update today so i just wrote a chapter. I wanted to say that my computer is going to be taken away on Monday. Because the computer i am using is a school computer. And we don't get to keep these so yea. I'm sorry. But don't cry. I still have my home computer and my Ipad. I'll update as soon as i can over the summer. But i don't know. I have summer school to go to. Because of my math grade. (C+) So i might update tomorrow. Ok bye love you guys


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