Chapter 71: The Sleepover

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Lucas dropped me off at my house. We said our goodbyes. Tomorrow we were going to hang out at his house. He told me he had a special surpise for me. Cant wait. When i went inside the house Ally and Mingus were cuddling on the couch.

"Im Home!!!!" i yelled

"Hey Sis." Mingus said

"Hey. Wheres dad?"


"Oh well i better go get ready for the sleep over. If the girls come just tell them to come up to my room."

"Your having a sleepover?" Ally asked

"Yeah you wanna come?" i asked

"Oh no i couldnt get barge in. I mean its your sleepover."

"Well. It just me and my friends. And some girls from the walking dead. Dont worry youll fit right in. Come on. I'll let you borrow some of my P.J's."

Ally finally said yes. Yay. Both of us got changed. I let her borrow my Minnie Mouse tang top and shorts. My P.J's had a big owl on it and it said night owl. It was also flowy and my shorts were green with thin blue lines on it.. And i put my hair in a ponytail. Once we were both dressed we went downstairs. Only Mingus and Norman were down there. They looked at us.

"Hey Dad did the girls call?"

"Yeah they said they would meet you there. Emily gave them Laurens address."

"Ok then can you drop us off?"


"Oh and on the way there can we swing by the pizza place, Ice cream shop, and the candy shop?"

"Sure and on the way there we can stop my Disney land."


"Im kidding get in the car."

Ally sat in the back of the car. I sat up front with Norman. I turned on the radio. And Rude by Magic came on. All three of us sang along.When the song was half way over we were at the Pizza shop. Dont you just hate it when your sing one of you favorite songs in the car and you reach the place you have to turn off the music. Ugh i hate it. We ordered 11 boxes of pizza. We each get a box to ourselves. Then we went to the Ice cream shop. I grabbed 3 gallons of ice cream. Vanilla, Chocolate, and Stawberry. The went to the Candy shop. Norman helped me get 11packs of pop rocks, 3 big bags of small chocolate, and 2 huge bags of M&M.

Lets just say by the time the sleep over is over ill weight 50 more pounds than i did before i got there. After we were done Norman dropped us off at Laurens house. I knocked on the door and Danai opened the door. 

"Hey Liesel come on in. Here let me help you with that. HEY EVERYONE LIESEL HERE!!!" Danai said

Danai grabbed the bag that had ice cream and candy. I was carrying the pizzas. And Ally was holding our stuff. When we got into the kitchen she set everything down. I looked around dang her house was huge. I saw the girls and they come over to me and i introduced them to Ally.

Aurora was wearing Fruit loops PJ'S. It had the logo and the bird on the red tang top. The shorts were white with some fruit loops on it. It looked really awsome.

Polly was wearing a crop top of Hello kitty. It had hello kitty but in the backround was leporad print. Her shorts were just gray. I loved it.

Summer was wearing a white tang top that said hot mess with ice cream melting. Her Pajama pants were the same but the color was blue. It was a really cute Pajama.

Lindsay had a yellowish whitish tangtop that said shake your coanuts. With two coanuts on it. Her pants were the same. It was kinda funy. I loved it.

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now