Chapter 74: Norman Finds Out

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"What do you mean what did he do to me?" i asked

"Honey. I knows whats been going on. He's been beating you. When we were in my trailer i saw thru the window he had a baseball bat. Once he left i looked at the baseballbat and it had blood on it. And you did not get into a car aciddent. Im not stupid. Why are you doing this to yourself."

"Im not doing anything to myself. He's doing this to me."

"Honey why didnt you tell me. I could have done something. You could have gotten into alot of trouble. Why? Why did you tell me?"

"Cause he was going to kill me if i told anyone. Please you cant say anything."

"Im sorry honey. I dont want to see you like this. Im calling the police. He aint going to hurt you no more." He dialed 911. "Yes i want to report a crime..........A 16 years old boy name Lucas is hurting my daughter..........He beats her, and her injuries are bad enough that she has to stay in the hosiptal for days........Ok he live on st. Bernard 207.....Thank you." He hung up. "There going to his house right now."

Soon we heard the ambulance. 

Sorry for the short chapter but it's a filler. You guys wanted to know how and if Norman found out it was Lucas who beats Liesel... well here you have the answer! Enjoy!


Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now