Final Author's Note

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Hey everybody so i'm finally done with this book. I'm so happy, and sorry for how I ended it. Don't worry there will be a sequel. My goal is for it to be up by March 15. Because that's when this book started. It seemed like so long ago. I'll take this book down in about a week or so. So I can rewrite it. I'm starting the second rewriting chapter right now. 

If you guys have any questions about this book and why I did what I did. Just ask me questions and i'll answer them as best I can. Thank you guys so much. For stay by me and reading this book. I love you all. Hope you liked the book and comment you're favorite part of the book and why you liked it. BTW people have asked me who plays Liesel. 

While after a long time it's time to reveal that Liesel Reedus is YOU!!! You play Liesel Reedus. I know she has brown hair and blue eyes but who cares you guys play her, or if you're that small percent of boys who read this then come up with someone to play her. 

Again that you guys I love you guys so much!!! Ask me questions and tell me what you loved about this book. Or if you just want to yell at me about the last chapter go ahead. Until next time.....BUBBLES!!!!

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