Chapter 69: Chandler & SAM!!!!

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I had a huge scar on my arm now because of what happened at the skate park. Chandler is still calling me a lot. But I'm ignoring him. He broke up with me so why should I forgive him? He should believe his girlfriend not some jerk who he hardly knows. Norman came into my room when I was playing my Xbox. So I paused the game.

"Hey dad what's up?" I asked

"Hey honey I was wondering if you wanted to go to set with me? Mingus is coming so I ought you didn't want to be home alone so do you wanna come?"

"I don't know is Chandler going to be there?" I asked

"Oh uh um yeah."

"Then no thank you."

"Sweetheart you can just stay in my trailer I bet Chandler won't even go in there. Please like I said yesterday I don't want you stuck in your room."

"Ugh fine."

"Get in the car then."

Mingus sat in the front seat. And I sat in the back. Mingus was going to be going to visit his mom next week so I want to spend time with him. Once we got to the set I ran over to Emily and Lauren.

"Hey Liesel haven't seen you in awhile how's it going?" Lauren asked

"Eh not so good. Chandler and I broke up."

"What?!?" Emily asked "You two broke up why?"

"Cause my friend or should I say my ex friend told Chandler that I went out with him cause I wanted a boyfriend. And Chandler believed him."

"Oh my gosh? Are you ok? If you need us just give us a call."

"I guess I'm still a little heart broken. I mean did spend 3 days in my room. Eating pints of ice cream."

"Hey I have an idea why don't we had a girls night. All the girls from the set and your friends?" Lauren said

"Sure how about tomorrow?" Emily asked

"Perfect I'll go text them right now."

"Ok see you tomorrow." They said

I walked into Normans trailer. Mingus was already in there. As always playing video games. I sat next to him texting the girls. First Lindsay. Then Aurora, Polly, Summer, Bria, and Lexi. After that I texted Lucas. Now he is like on of my best friends. Even though we just meet.

(L-Lucas LR-Liesel)

L- Hey Liesel whatcha doing tomorrow night?

LR- I have a sleepover tomorrow.

L- A sleepover really? That's so girly.

LR- Hey girls need to have sleepovers why'd you ask

L- Oh cause I wanted to ask if you wanted to go get ice cream tomorrow night but if you're busy it's fine.

LR- Well how about tomorrow afternoon around 4?

L- Works for me

LR- See you tomorrow

L- Where do you want me to pick you up at?

LR- Meet me at the skatepark gotta go. I'm going to go watch my dad do his scene.

L- K bye remember 4 o'clock tomorrow skate park.

I smiled to myself. Then I got up to use the bathroom in my dad's trailer. My dad has a ton of pictures of himself in the trailer. But there is one picture of Mingus and I by the T.V. Mingus had his arm around me. He was kissing my cheek and I me laughing. He also had another one on the mini fridge. This one was just of us eating chips, sitting on the couch playing video games. But I was covering my face.

When I got out of the bathroom someone came inside the trailer. It was Chandler. Great. (Note the sarcasm).

"Oh uh hey Liesel I didn't know you were here." Chandler said

He was wearing his Carl hat. "What to do you want?"

"I was looking for Norman. But since your here can we talk?"

"There's nothing to talk about."

"Yes there is. I'm sorry that I believed Brice. It was a mistake. No the real mistake was me letting you go. Please take me back."

"Chandler your going to have to try a lot harder then that. You really broke me. And you expect me to forgive you after only 5 days?"

"I'm really sorry. Please."

"To bad Chandler I'm not taking you back. You broke up with me. I don't think I ready to forgive you just yet. I need more time."

I went past him and went outside. Chandler followed me.

"Please let me take you out tomorrow afternoon and show you how much you mean to me."

"I'm busy tomorrow after noon."

"What are you doing?"

"I'm hanging out with Lucas. Then the girls. Now bye."

This time he didn't follow me thank god. I walked inside and went to sit down in my dad's chair. I watched him. Ah I missed being on show. I wish I was still on it. I got lost in thought when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around.

"Sam?!?" I made sure I was quiet so I wouldn't brother the people


"What are you doing here?"

"Well I'm moving back. My mom is stay in New York and I'm going to live here with my dad."

"Oh my gosh I missed you so much. Even though I saw you like a week ago or 2."

"Yea. Hey so I heard you and Chandler broke up."

"How'd you here that?"

"It's all over the news. People on the streets are asking me if you guys are dating. And I tell them your not and it breaks there hearts. There thinking of making a movie of your break up." I knew he was joking. "I'm kidding Chandler told me."

"Good I would have freaked out if it was all over the news. People would be giving me a hard time."

"Yea I know hey let go back to the trailer and talk,"

"Ok let's go."


Suckish Chapter I know. I was hired so I thought I would update. It took me over an hours. And let me just say I was think of a lot of stuff while I was writing so yeah. I didn't know who to end this chapter so I just out that ending. I hope you like the chapter. If you don't it's fine. I'll try to write better next time. And guess what I'm getting my school computer soon. I don't know when but I'll get it soon. They should be giving us a call. So now I'll be able to update quicker. I'm happy and over here were I live there is only less than 2 weeks until school starts not excited just saying. I'm talking way to much now bye.


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