Chapter 15: Learning The Dance

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"I need to ask you a question. A very important question. You're life will depend on this question. If you don't answer this question you might as well walk out of this studio. If-"

"Get to the point." I said rudely. "Sorry. I didn't mean for it to come out that way.

"It's fine. Have you ever danced before in your life? Not like 'Yo I'm home alone. I'm gonna dance.' Not like that like. Like professional.

"Yeah. I used to go to dance class. When we would have dance competitions I would get first place. Plus dancings in my blood."

"Okay. Are you okay with dance until the end of the day? We have a lot to cover in one day."

"I'm fine with it. I just have to ask my dad."

"Okay I'll be over here get the song ready." He said

I nodded my head and went into the lobby where Norman, Mingus and Chandler were sitting."

"Hey dad. Um...We have a lot of dance moves to go over today. So I have to stay here the whole day. Is that okay?

"But- But we were gonna go site seeing. " Mingus cried

"I said me not you."

Mingus stuck his tongue out at me. "Sure it's okay with me. Mingus and I will go back to the hotel, and if Chandler wants me can stay here and watch you."

"Okay thanks. Bye dad." I said hugging him. Chandler and I walked back into the studio.

"So what did he say?" He asked

"He said yes."

"Okay then. Let's get started. You little girl go sit down."

"I'm a guy." Chandler said

"Oh sorry about that mistake. Um... Just sit down." Chandler walked away. "Okay so you start off but doing..."

After about four house I learned the dance, but I was no where near ready to perform. I still had another three hours to go.

"Can. I. Take. A. Break?" I asked out of breath

"No! We haven't been practicing for that long. You are no where near ready to perform in front of people."

"We haven't been practicing for that long."

"It's been four hours."

"Really? Four hours? I thought it had only been an hour. Oh well. TEN MINUTE BREAK EVERYONE!"

"Thank god." I said under my breath.

"You tired?" Chandler asked handing me a water bottle

"Thanks. I'm fine. I'm just really tired, and I smell bad."

"That's why I brought this." He said taking out some deodorant

"Oh my god. THANK YOU!!! You're a life saver." I said pecking his lips

"You're welcome." He said kissing me more more time. "You weren't kidding when your said you smelled bad."

"Why would I lie about that?"

"I don't know. Girls lie about a lot of things. Like looking terrible. Guys can't tell the difference between when you look good or when you look terrible."

"True. My feet are killing me.

"I'm sorry babe."

"It's my fault. I didn't think we'd be here all day. Plus I bet your bored. If you want you can go back to the hotel."

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now