Chapter 52: Tennis Game

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After that whole inncented both Cole and Rachel got a restating order. Thank god. I never get to see Rachel ever again. Norman said he would make it up to me. He said he would take Andrew, Chandler, Mingus, and Steven. It was going to be 3 against 3. I got changed in some short shorts. (That that short that you will be able to see her butt.) a t-shirt. I put my hair I a ponytail and put a hair band in so my bangs aren't in my face. When I pulled my hair out of my face I saw my bright baby blue eyes. I ran downstairs and saw everyone on their phones.

"Hey people." I said taking a sip of water.

"Finally we can leave. You take forever." Chandler said

"Harsh much?" I was leaning on the counter

Chandler put his arm around my waist and kissed my forehead. "You know I love you."

"Maybe. Now let's get going."

I ran out the door and hoped in the car. Andy and Norman sat in the front. Norman was driving. Steven sat on the right side of me. Chandler sat on my left side. Mingus sat by Chandler. I decided to make Chandler a little jealousy. Bt I didn't know if it would work. Probably not. Since I haven't seen Steven in forever I rested my head on his chest. And Steven out his arm around me.

"I missed you Steven."

"Me to Kiddo." He said kissing my hair.

I looked over at Chandler and he was on his phone. Then all the sudden everyone's phone beeped. I got out my phone and look to see what happened. I saw that Chandler posted something on Twitter. It was a picture of Steven and I. But it showed our faces. How did Chandler take a picture of us without me seeing?

"Chandler? How did you take a picture of us?" I asked while Steven took his arm off me

"I didn't Andy did and sent it to me." He said pointing to Andrew. Chandler still hand his phone in his hand.

"Andy? How could you?" I asked crossing my arms

"I'm sorry. You to look like a cute couple." He said sarcartily

"What do you mean I'm 15 and Steven is 30. He's twice my age."

Steven gasped "That hurt you know." He said putting his hand of his heart

"Oh cut it out Steven. We both knew this relationship was going to work out."

We all laughed. Then our phones beeped again. This time I saw that Mingus posted something. It was a video of all of us. When Steven and I 'broke up'. Everyone favorited it. Once we got to the tennis court we all got out. The teams were Andy, Norman, and Steven. Then it was Chandler, Mingus, and me. I was really good at tennis but no one knew that.

"That's no far. We have Liesel on our team . And she sucks at Tennis." Mingus complained.

"Mingus. Son. Cry me a river build a bridge and get over it." Steven said

"Mingus get over hear." I said.

He ran to where Chandler and I were.

"Ok so thus is what I was thinking. I will make half the points and Chandler makes half to points." Mingus said

"What about me?" I asked

"Just stand there and look pretty." Mingus said taking his bangs out of his face.

Oh he did not just say that. I was going to get him back. And I need to get in the game somehow. I knew what I was going to do. And it involved Chandler.

"Chandler?" I said sweetly

"Y-Ye-Yes?" He asked nervosily

I stated tracing circles on his shirt "Can you please pass let me do something in the game?"

"Sure you can serve first." He said looking into my eyes.

"Damn Chandler you're whipped."

"Am not." He said

"ARE TOO." Everyone yelled besides me

We started the game then on purpose I hit the ball out of the white line.

"Oops. Why don't you guys sever first. So I can get warmed up." I said

Then Steven hit the ball with the racket and it hit out.

"Can you guys please go easy on me?" I asked sweetly

"Sure." The other team said

For the sever I hit it softly but hard enough for it to go over the net. Andy it then Chandler. It went back and forth until I hit the ball. Steven tried to get it but he couldn't. Everyone looked at me. Their mouths hung open.

"What did I do?" I asked

Chandler and Mingus walked over to me.

"You're good at Tennis aren't you?" Chandler asked

"Let's just say I made varicity on my team. And was voted number one player. And because of me our team was an undefeated."

We counties the game. Of course we won. It was 32 - 1. We all went to go get some ice cream. It was a fun day after all. And I had total forgot about all my problems until Hazel and Rachel came into the ice cream shop.

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now