Chapter 90: I'm On Broadway

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Ok so i didn't update yesterday sorry. But hey a new chapter. So be happy. Ok so um.... I don't know. But Sunday's episode was awesome. Yeah that's all. And oh Happy Thanksgiving. I'll be writing an A/N for Thnaksgiving so look out for that. Plus i get out of school at 1:30 so yeah love it. So um how are you guys? Ok well um next Sunday is the mid season finally. And i;m going to cry. How can they do this to me? And after the mid season finally i'll just update when ever. And if i don't update soon then i'm sorry because i'm readin this big ass book. It's about 700-800 pages. And i'm exitced. I'm only on page four. (It's Harry Potter if you didn't know). SO yeah here's the chapter. Until next time......



Chandler and i are together again. I'm happy as i'll ever be. Plus i have some amazing news for Norman. But how am i going to tell him. He'll freak out. He'll probably say i can't do it. Ugh life it so hard. Why? I walked downstairs and saw that Norman was talking to a lady at the front door. I tried to take a closer look but the door was blocking her. That's when i felt arms go around my waist and a hand go around my mouth. I screamed but it was muffled. 

"Quiet now i'm going to kidnap you. Don't make this hard than it already is." a guy said

Then i realized that voice belonged to one person and one person only. Mingus. "Mingus you idiot. Let go of me."

He laughed. "Hey baby sis."

"Hey.... And don't call me that. It annoys me. And how dare you scare me like that."

"Sorry. And it's great to see you there. i'm glad i could get a hug my beloved sister." he said jokingly

I went up to him and hugged him. But he didn't hug me back. "Oh well i see first you complain about me not giving you a hug and now you don't wanna give me a hug? I see."

"We'll first off you didn't hug me. Second off you weren't suprised that i'm here. And thrid what did you do to your hair. It was rainbow but now its.....its brown."

"Yeah Lauren and Emily made me dye it brown again. But it'll go away in a few days. We'll not really i have to tell you and dad something and it's going to chage this whole thing."

"Sure tell us."

"I can't dads talking to a random girl at the doorway right now. Do you know who she is?"

"Yes in the matter of fact i do. She's Helena Christensen. And she happens to be my mother."

"Wait what? Your- Your moms here? Can i meet her? Can i see her? Can i say hi to her? Oh my god she's here!! Can i...."

Mingus slapped his hand over my month. Which meant to shut up. He looked me in the eyes and i looked at him. I notcited he's alot tall than me. When i was first adopted he was the same size as me and now he's taller. Whoa. I'm short. 

"Calm down Liesel. And yes you can talk to her. Just go up to her and she'll know who you are. I talk about you all the time."

"Ok i'll just go up........WAIT YOU TALK ABOUT ME WITH YOUR MOM?"

''Yep all the time sometimes she tells me to shut up."

"Creeper. Either way ok so i'll just go up to her and say hi that all."

I turned around and Norman and the women were still talking. So slowly i wlked over to them. "Um.... Mrs...... Um.....Miss. Christensen. I'm...." i started

"Liesel Reedus. It's such a pleasure to meet you. Mingus has been talking about you non stop. I didn't know a young boy could talk about his sister like the way Mingus talks about you. I'm Helena Christensen."

"Hi Helena.. Can i ask you something?"


"We'll um... Norman is my dad. Norman is Mingus dad. And your Mingus mom. So would that make you my....."

"Mom? I don't know. If you want me to sure. I would love to have you as a daughter. You seem like a swet girl. I would love to be your mom."

"Really? You wouldn't mind?"

"Helena you dont..." Norman started.

"No honetly i would love to be your adopted mom. I'm going to be in town for a few days and maybe we could go down to the court house and make it offical. And maybe you and i can have some girl time. And talk about you and Chandler Riggs."

"You know about me and Chandler?"

"Honey. The whole world knows about you and Chandler."

"Well i would really like you to be my mom and i would really love to hang out with you sometime."

"We'll that's great sweetheart. I'll pick you and Mingus up at 8 o'clock. Bye love." she said kissing Mingus head. "By sweetheart. I'll see you both tomorrow."

Norman closed the door and looked at the both of us. "My kids my beautiful kids." he said hugging us.

"Uh dad you alright?"

"I'm better than fine. I'm just so happy. What about you two?"

"Dad she's gone. You don't have to act like this anymore."

"Ok thank god. Ok so Liesel you said you had something to tell me." Norman said

"Yep. Ok now Dad and Mingus i am pleased to tell you that i had an intreview/ audition for a broadway musical. And it's brand new. And they gave me a huge part in the musical."

"Oh my god. Your acting career is back. I'm so happy for you." MIngus said

"Congrats Liesel. When are you going to start practicing?" Norman asked

"In 3 weeks. They gave me the script."

"Awesome what's the musical about?" Mingus asked

"We'll you know the movie Aladin? Yeah we'll it's about that. And i'm playing Princess Jasmine. Which is great cause they gave the job to a great actor. I have no idea who's playing Aladin. But they said he's a great actor..."

"Wow. That's amazing"Norman said "We'll since you got your acting career back let's go out for ice cream." Norman said

I love everything right now. Everything is perfect. Can't wait until i start shooting and i can't wait until i finally tell Chandler the big news

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