Chapter 104: Choose

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I woke up the next morning. Chandler's head was in the crock of my neck and his lips softly touching my skin. His arm protectively around my waist. Chandler looked so adorable sleeping but the thing that broke that was his snoring. I didn't mind it but he snored loud. I turned around so I was facing Chandler. I moved the hair from his face. I touched his cheek with my hand and kissed his lips softly. I felt him smile. I pulled him away.

"What are you smiling about?" I asked. "About how beautiful you are. And how i'm lucky I am to have you in my life. Which is why i'm spending the night again." I frowned. "Is something wrong." He asked

"No it's just that...You've been....I don't know...Touchy? I don't what to call it but you're always kissing me and now your getting boners when we kiss? Whats up? I mean it doens't bother me but I wanna know why you've been doing all of this." I said. He sat up and so did I. "Chandler look me in the eyes and tell me. I won't be mad." I said.

"I don't want you to leave me." He said.

"What makes you think i'm leaving?" I asked

He got up and went to the chair to grab his jacket. He took out an envelope. "One day I was going through you mail box and I saw this address to you. So I opened it and... just read it."

I look at it and back at Chandler. I unfolded the envelop and took out the paper. It said....

Dear Liesel Reedus,

We are pleased to inform you that on 20th of July we will start practicing the Aladdin musical. We've sent this letter to make sure you know what's going on. We will need you to come to office on the 18th of July. Please tell your father that you will be living here for a few years and will probably be able to visit once a year. We will pay for the trip here. If you have any problem please call at (---, ---,----)

Sincerely, Mr. Hudson

I looked at Chandler and saw he had tears coming down his eyes. "Chandler why did you hide this from me?" I asked.

"I didn't want you to leave me. I've already let you go too many times and your not leaving again. I need you in my life Liesel Reedus."

"I know you don't want me to leave but this is my big break. Just imagine me on Broadway. If you would have given me this we could have talked about it. How long did you think you could keep this from me?"

"As long as I could. After the 20th of July so they would kick you off Broadway."

"I get you don't want me to leave but this is my dream. This is one of the only things keeping me from going crazy at a time like this. It's something to keep me busy when shit goes down. This is my future. You have to understand that."

"I know it's your dream and your future. But you know what my dream is? You know what my future is? My dream, my future is you. Your in my dream. And your in my future. Like I said i've let you go to many times. I'm not letting you go ever again." I looked into his eyes. "It's me or this."

"Chandler. You can't make me decide something this big. I want both. I want this job. And I want you. You're not making me choose. If you love me enough you wouldn't make me choose." I said.

"I'm sorry. But please stay."

"I'm not leaving any time soon." I said kissing his cheek and getting out of bed.


"Ok we'll Liesel i've gotta go work now." Norman said.

"Ok bye dad." I said kissing Normans cheek.

Chandler smiled and grabbed my hand. Norman went to his car with Mingus in the front seat and drove off to work. "So what do you crazy kids want to do today?" My mom asked.

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now