Chapter 58: The Interview + 5SOS

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I woke up and Polly and her arm around me. When I tried to get her arm off me she would hold on tighter. I turned around and I was face to face with Polly. This was going to be fun. In my mind I laughed evilly.

"Ahhhhh!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Everyone shot up screaming. I pretended to go to sleep. To me I was a pretty good actess. Wonder why they kicked me off the movie. Oh wait it was Kassy. Polly was shaking me. And I pretend to wake up.

"What?" I asked yawning

"You didn't hear someone scream?" Aurora asked

"No all I heard was you guys screaming."

"You must be deaf." Summer got out of bed

"Summer how could she be deaf? She heard us scream. She probably just didn't hear the scream before but she might have heard us scream alittle bit. Liesel only wke up because Polly woke her up." Aurora said

"We'll.. It's the morning and my brain isn't working good. So don't judge."

"You guys sorry to ruin you pariaed but I need to go soon. Chandler has an interview and he is inviting."

"Ohhohoh." They all said

"Oh shut up." I said playfully.

I got dressed. My shirt had a cross on it, with it I put on a leather jacket. I wore light jeans and pink combat boots. I wore my head band like a hippy would. Then when I got out of the bath room everyone had there phones and they were taking pictures of me. I felt like it was the paparazzi. By he time they were done I was nearly blind. All I could gets blue dot with orange around it. I tried to blink it away but I couldn't. We all went into the living room.

"Hey Liesel when's you wedding going to be." Summer asked

"How many kids you going to have." Said Aurora.

"Make sure you use protection. I don't want to take care little Chandler and Liesel Jr.s" Polly said

We all laughed then when we got to the living room we saw Mingus and Hazel making out. We just stood there watching them exchange saliva. Yuck. My brother kissing my ex best friend. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Hope you to brushed this morning." I said harshly

They pulled apart. I just rolled my eyes and went to the kichten. I grabbed an apple and put my elbows on the counter where Norman was cooking.

"Dad I don't see why she has to be here." I took a bit of my apple.

"I know you guys aren't friends anymore but she is your brothers girl friend." Norman out eggs on 6 plates.

I watched him. "Don't use that word."

He cracked an egg into the pan. "What girlfriend?"

"No Brother. HE was never a brother to me. Oh dad remember I have to go to Chandlers interview in about 5 minutes so I won't be eatting."

"I know you told me last night."

"I better wait outside for Chandler. He might be coming soon."

"Are you forgetting something?" He said pointing to his apon.

It said kiss the cook. Really Norman. Did you have to wear that. I went up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then went outside. When I got out here I saw Mrs. Riggs car coming towards my house. I ran over to the car and hoped in the back.

"Morning Mrs. Riggs."

"Morning Liesel. How you been?"

"I've been great and you?"

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now