Extra Chapter

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Hey guys I kinda miss writing this story. And I know I still have to edit the other 100 chapters. But since I never wrote a chapter for Christmas I thought I would write one. I'll write some for other holidays as well. So enjoy. THIS HAS NOT BEEN EDITED. 



Liesel P.O.V

"Chandler my feet hurt." I wined to the boy next to me. 

"I told you not to wear those converse. They hurt when you walk around a lot. Come on we're almost done." He said walking away. I groaned and followed him.

"I don't understand the purpose of shopping. It's useless." I sat down next to him and put the bags down. 

"We're christmas shopping. How is that useless? I'm almost done I promise. I just need my mom's present. And she, for a women, is so hard to shop for."

"You're mom is hard to shop for? Just get her those high heel's she's been wanting since last year."

"How do you know she wanted high heels?"

"We gossip at time. Mostly about you anyways. But I asked a few weeks ago what she wanted and she said she wanted cheetah print high heels from Beverly's Foot Store."

"Well then lets go." He said. 

"Oh did I mention I already bought them for her." I said softly. 

"Liesel...." He said sitting back down. 

"I'm sorry. This is why you don't last minute christmas shop. If you were smart you would shop though out the year like me. If Mingus was drooling over a video game and my dad said no I would buy right then and there then save it for later. She smart girl smart shopper."

"I hate it when you're right. What else did she want?" He asked

"I don't know honestly I heard she wanted heels then zoned out. I just remember her saying you bought a dog and he ended up dying in the fire place because you forgot to close it up."

"Cookie... And that wasn't my fault. It was Grayson. I told him to close the fireplace and he didn't. Lets say I cried until they bought me another one."

"Oh yeah Pluto... Didn't he get run over when you were learning to dr-"

"Shush Liesel. We shall never speak of it. My mom thinks he ran away. She doesn't need to know the truth. You know what I'll just buy her some earrings."

"She doesn't have pierced ears." I said confused

"Fine how about a nice hat."

"She hates hats."

"I'll take her to a fancy fish restaurant."

"She's allergic to fish Chandler. Do you not know you're mother?" I asked. 

"I don't pay attention to her. She all about Ryan Seacrest and the John dude from the beetles."

"John Lennon. How do you not know him? The Beetles hello?"

"Again I don't pay attention. How about I get her some tickets to go see that John dude."

"Oh my god Chandler. I swear you're dumber than a dog. Can even use you're two brain cells."

"What did I say?" He asked

"John Lennon was assassinated in 1980. Jesus you are stupid. I'm surprised that you didn't know that."

"Whatever well what can I get her? I don't know my mother. You always talk to her she loves you please help me."

"Get her one of those necklaces thst has four hearts on it."

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now