Chapter 4: The Truth Comes Out

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When we got to the mall I went straight to Hot Topic. I saw a lot of necklaces that I saw were amazing. I asked Norman if I could buy them. I went to the where the T-shirts where and some of The Walking Dead. I nudged Norman and he started laughing. "Hey that looks nothing like me." He said

When we were done we walked out of the store.

We went to other places and bought other stuff. I finally got a phone and Norman cheered for me.

"So where are we going next?" I asked

"Do you have any shoes?" Mingus asked


"Then that's where we're going." Norman said. He started leading the way to the shoe store. My arms were getting tired of carrying all the bags.

When we got to the shoe store Mingus grabbed a pair and tried then on. "I thought all of this shopping was for me" I said

"It is, but I need shoes for the dinner tomorrow. I can't show up like a homeless person."

"What dinner?"

"It's for the cast who survived this long and also a dinner for those who died." Norman explained

"You guys really have that? I thought that was a joke?"

"Why would it be a joke? It's to commemorate those who died in the zombie apocalypse. Gosh Liesel do you not have a heart." Norman asked

"Norman there is no zombie apocalypse, and nobody really died in it. I've just read about it every where and thought it wasn't real."

"What do you mean you've read about it everywhere?"

"I've read about it in fan fictions. Short stories, one-shots."

"What the hell is a fan fiction?" Mingus asked

"Nothing. Never mind. Let's just buy shoes." I said

We walked through the shoe shoe and I picked up some converse that looked amazing. "Liesel you need to buy high heels. Not converse."

"But I hate heels. Have you ever worn heels for a long time?" I asked

"Yes I have. Now you getting them."

I looked at him weirdly and in shock. "Um...Okay? Can I at least wear flats? I asked nicely and put on the puppy face. Norman looked at me and shook his head.

"Fine. Just get nice shoes and take the cute ass puppy dog face off your face."

I smiled at him. I grabbed a pair of flats that looked nice and tried them on. They fit like a glove I gave them to Norman to pay for while I went to the bathroom.

I walked out of the store and tried to find the bathroom, but in this mall I knew it was gonna be though.I looked at every corner and nothing. I turned back around and bumped into somebody.

"I'm sorry." I said. Then I looked up and saw it was Chandler. "Why do you show up every where i'm at?" I asked rudely.

"I asked Mingus where you were and he said the mall. I wanted to talk to you Liesel. I want to talk to you about what happened today."

"Nothing happened today. You have a girlfriend that's all. It's a good thing I don't even like, now goodbye." I said walking away from him. After a few minutes I found the bathroom. I washed my hands and walked out. I saw Chandler waiting there for me. "What do you want?" I asked

"I want to talk to you. Please Liesel let me explain."

"Explain what?" I asked

"I took Rachel to the pizza place to break up with her. She got pissed off at me and pushed me to the wall and kissed me I swear to god I didn't kiss her back."

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now