Chapter 62: Lindsay, Mingus & The Crazy One

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Hey everyone it's me. Guess what I'm going to New Jersey on Thursday. But don't worry I will still update. From where I live it takes 24 hours to get there. So while we are in the car with will be updating. Because you need internet to post a chapter I will have to wait until I get to my dad's house so sorry. But while I'm in NJ I will post 3 chapters in every of my book with is 24 chapters. A lot huh. In just 1 week so be proud. So if I have any New Jersey fans hopefully I'll see you. I bet your all saying stop writing I want to see what's happens to Mingus. We'll don't have a cow here's a new chapter. One more thing. The characters in my book I was wondering if you wanted boyfriends. It can be famous to not. Just message me and I'll put them in later. Now here's a new chapter.



"What do you mean something bad happened to Mingus?" I asked

"I don't know what happened but they said we need to go see him." Norman said.

"Then let's go." I said grabbing my suitcase from under the bed

"Honey don't you remember you promised Luke you would take care of his little sister while he's on tour."


"I know we will leave after she comes ok?"

"Ok fine."

I got ready for bed. So did Chandler. After we were done Chandler took of his shirt and got into bed with me. I got closer to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I turned over so I was facing him. I saw he was still awake. He noticed I was sad.

"Liesel you ok?" He asked

"I told you something bad would happen."

"I know but I don't care. I still love you. No matter what happens."

"Enough talking and get to bed." Norman said "I'm trying to sleep. But I can't when your talking."

"Sorry dad/Norman." Chandler I said

Finally I feel asleep. I had a bad dream like always. Ugh. My bad dreams went away. How come they came back. My dream was about Kassy. That she killed Mingus. I shot up. I'm guessing I woke up Chandler cause he shot up.

"Liesel you ok?" He said with his sexy sleeply voice

"Just a bad dream."

"What was it about?"

"That Kassy my no good sister killed Mingus."

"You know that would never happen. She would probably.... Oh No.." Chandler started to say


"I think the reason Mingus is hurt it because of Kassy."

I started crying. But not that much I didn't want to wake up everyone. Chandler pulled me in for a hug. Soon I feel asleep in his arms. When I woke up I noticed Chandler wasn't sleeping. He was on his computer. He sat up there was a tin of papers n the bed.

"Uh Chandler why is there papers on our bed?" I asked

"Sh. I'm doing research."

"For school?"

"On You."

"Me? Why Me."

"I don't know. When you feel asleep I started saying your name over and over again and realized that it sounds a lot like Lethal. And do you know whet Lethal mean." I shook my head "it means sufficient to cause death. I found out that your family is ful of Killers. Your mom, dad, sister and people before you."

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now