Chapter 92: Breakfast & Mom

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Ok hey guys. A new chapter. So last night i asked you guys to give me your questions. And sadly only two people did. :(. But they asked very good questions. By the way you can ask me questions whne ever. This is not just a one time thing. So here are the questions.

WonderlandWinter: Has a boy ever told you a pick up line? What is your favorite pickup line that you wish a guy would tell you?

Answer: No. And no one will ever say a pick up line to me. And my favorite is "Can I Have Directions?" "To where?" "To your heart.

Fabulous_Fandoms: Favorite youtuber? My favorite random objects? Favorite Show on Netflix? Have You watched Orange is The New Black?

Answer: My favorite youtuber is Bunny, Danny Edge and Paul Zimmer. Bunny is awesome she does alot of As Seen On T.V stuff to see if they really work. And Danny and Paul there just so cute and plus they do alot of funny stuff. My favorite random object is a marble. If i see a bowl of Marbles i just gotta takes some. Don't ask why. My favorite show on Netflix is Happy Tree Friends. And i have not watched Orange is The New Black. I've been dying to tho. I gotta wait for my sister to pay the Netflix thing. It's been over a month and it's killing me. Until Next time.........



I tunred around and saw Norman watching us through the window. I shook my head. Mingus looked at me. "Thanks. And FYI you were alittle to obverous. You could so tell you where hiding something."

"Liar. I'm a great actor. How do you think i got the part on broadway?" i asked getting into the car

"By paying the dircetors money. And you put a sink bomb in the room once everyone fell asleep you put your name for your part."

"MINGUS!!!" I yelled

"Now, Now. Calm down kids. Now let's go to IHOP." My mom said

"Um.... about that. We're kinda banned from that place. "

"See i told you mom. I told you we were banned from IHOP!!! Thanks Liesel you just won me 5 bucks. Pay up mommy dear."

"Mingus! Isn't it enough that i clothed you, feed you, gave you a home to live in, and a bed to sleep in?"

"Nope. We shook hands. So pay up!"

"Fine." she digged into her purse and pulled out $5. I shook my head. We drove off to this resteraunt. When we got there Mingus, Helena, and i got out of the car adn went inside. "We'll Liesel. I hope we won't get banned from this place. Can you promise me that?" she asked

"Yes, Hel.... I mean mom. The last time i got banned is because of, Mingus's ex girlfriend. So I wasn't all my fault. It was Mingus's fault for bringing that rat."

"Hey hat 'rat' was once your best friend. So don't blame me that I liked her. It's all on you because you introduced us together. So it's your fault we got banned from IHOP."

"Is not" I said. "Is too." Mingus said. We kept on doing that until mom told us to stop. "Stop it you two. It doesn't matter who got banned. We're eating somewhere else," she said holding the door for us.

I tried to go in first but then Mingus pulled my hood back and went in first. I pushed him. And he looked at me and smirked. I gave him a death glare. Mom hit Mingus's arm. He winced in pain. "Mingus Reedus be nice to your sister."

"Yeah Mingus be nice to your sister." I said

"You too Liesel. Be nice too your brother." She said

"But I didn't do anything."

"You pushed him. I saw you I'm not blind." I rolled my eyes. "Liesel." She said in a firm voice. "Ok ok ok I'll be good if that pig is too." I pointed at Mingus.

"I ain't no pig. The only pig here is you."

"I don't see how your father managed to raise you two. Now stop fighting and let's eat."

We sat down and ordered out food. I ordered a cheese omelet. Mingus ordered 3 pancakes with a side of bacon. And Mom ordered oatmeal with some toast. We sat and waited for our food to come. "So Liesel. I hardly know anything about you. So tell me about yourself." "Ok what do you wanna know???"

"How's school?" She asked. "Well um...I.... I really don't go to school. It's summer. But when we go back to school I'm going to be going to a new school. That Norman signed me up for. But right now I'm getting ready for a broadway musical." "A broadway musical. I've always wanted to go on one"

"Same. I've never been to see a musical before. W'ell if you coun't my 5 year old foster sisters musical before then yeah. But never a broadway one." "We'll you better tell me when you perform cause i wanna see my little girl be on Broadway."

"I'll make sure I tell you when I perform." I told her. Our food came out and we ate. Once we were done we got in the car and drove downtown. "Where are we going?" I asked. " Well first we're going to the mall. Then we're going to the court house. After that we're going to the movies. Then after at we'll go together lunch and our day is over."

"Wow we have a busy day."

"I don't wanna go shopping." Mingus wined.

"To bad son. This day is about Liesel."

"But the only day that revoles around Liesel is her birthday. Which is in a month."

"Oh my gosh my birthday is in a month? Quick Mingus what's today?"

"June 1st. Why?"

"Tomorrows the day that i got adopted by Norman."

"Oh yeah. I remember now. I hardly got to see you cause i went to my friends house. Wow can't believe we've been brother and sister for alomst a year."

"Surprising huh? Time goes fast when your having fun....... It really does."

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now