Chapter 81: I'm Confused

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Ok so i'm really really really sory i haven't updated. Again i'm really sorry. Alot's been going on. And plus i'm a really lazy writer. I have no idea how i'm going to make it up to you guys. I'm just so sorry. I never take this long to update. I promise if i ever take this long to update i want you guys to tell me please. And i'm running out of idea's. Give me some. And i might use them. I finally decided that i'll write 120 chapters for this book. And let me just tell you i have a good ending thanks to @WonderlandWinter and @CarlGTWDDaryl. So thanks to the two of you. Might as well give them a shout out. CarlGTWDDaryl write awesome Chandler Riggs stories. And WonderlandWinter write aweosme The Outsiders books. If you ever heard of The Outsiders go read hers. There awesome. I should stop talking cause no one reads my Authors Note so back to the story. Oh and i'm sorry to the girls who are Liesel's best friends. Sorry i haven't been putting you in. I'll put you in soon. I promise. Now back to the book



A few weeks later Lindsay, Sam, Chandler and I hung out. Norman was driving me and Lindsay over to Chandlers house. I couldn't wait. Plus i kinda think that Sam has a little crush on Lindsay. When we came to Chandler house we got out of the car.

"Hey Dad can i have money???" i asked

"No." he said

"Dad." i wined

"What do you need money for? Your just hanging out with Chandler at his house. It's not like you have to pay to get food there." he said

"But what if we decided to go somewhere to eat."

"Fine. Here's 20 bucks."

"Thanks Dad. LOVE YOU!!!" I yelled running to the house

(Norman's POV)

"Thanks Dad. LOVE YOU!!!" She yelled running towards Chandlers house.

"Yeah yeah. Everyone loves dad when he gives them money."

I drove away.

(Liesel's POV)

I knocked on the door and Sam answered. We hugged and i went inside. No one was inside. Well besides Grayson playing video games in the living room. I went upstairs with out Sam and Lindsay. And found Chandler sleeping on his bed.

And he's room was a mess. Dirty socks on the T.V. Clothes everywhere. And what i mean everywhere i mean EVERYWHERE. Video games scatted all across the room. Bowls with rotten milkk in it. Cups with water, milk and jucie. A half eatten sandwhich on the floor. I took me a while to get to Chandler's bed. When i did i laid next to him. 

He looked so cute when he was sleeping. I moved some of his hair out of his face. His hair has grown alot. Since he's on the contract he can't cut his hair. I would like to cut his hair but i can't. 

"Chandler if you only knew how much i loved you. Your hair is perfect. Your big blue eyes. The way your so nice to everyone. Your just so perfect. How was i so luck to get you? I don't think i can being to express my love for you. I wanna marry you one day. I wanna have kids. And most impotanly i wanna grow old together. I love you so much. Tell me how was i so lucky to be with a guy like you?"

"I don't know?" he said. He scared the crap out of me. I thought he was still sleeping

"God Damnit. You scared the crap out of me. I thougth you were sleeping. How much of that did you hear? Wait how long were you awake?"

He opened his eyes. "Who says i was asleep?"

"You little bitch. How dare you do that to me."

"Hey you can't stay mad at me forever."

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