Chapter 7: Fighting

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When I woke up I felt someone looking at me. I turned around and saw Mingus staring at me. At first I wasn't sure what to do. So I just stayed there staring at him

"Hi" He said. I sat up and punched him arm. "Ow."

"Don't you ever leave me for that long. I missed you" I said hugging him tightly

"I missed you too."

"You missed out on so much. Between me and Chandler. The show, and oh my god. If you ever leave for that long again i'll kill you."

"Yeah sure you will. Now tell me everything that happened, between you and he who shall not be named"

"Voldemort?" I asked quietly

"No you idiot. Chandler."

"Oh okay. Well we both went to my therapist. Everything was okay but then Dr. Renolds told Chandler about the kid I killed, he got pissed off. Later that night I got a text message saying that he wanted a break. So after Norman told me about Disney World we went to an Italian place to eat when I saw Chandler, his girlfriend, and his friend. I felt bad for Sam. When we were about to leave I saw Chandler and his girlfriend kissing and ignoring Sam. Right when we were about to head out the door Chandler grab my arm and tried to get me to take him back. He's such a jerk."

"Wow. This is what I get when I leave for two weeks."

"Yeah. Well dad told me that I have to be your 'bodyguard' until Chandler backs off."

"A bodyguard really? Why not just leave me in the house for the rest of my life?" I asked

"Come on i'm not that bad."

"Fine. I guess well have that sister brother bonding thing dad read about online."


"Never mind. At least we'll get to spend time with each other. Now get out I need to change."

"I'm going i'm going." He said

I quickly got dressed into my shirt that says 'If Daryl Dies We Riot', my black skinny jeans, and my red converse. When I was finished I put my hair in a ponytail and went down stairs.

"I'm ready." I said putting my phone in my pocket.

"Let get going then."

When we got in the car and I turned on the radio. The song 'We Can't Stop' came on. All three of us started singing. It was so funny. Norman sounded like a dying cat. We finally got to the set. Mingus and I ran to my trailer. He was beating me so far, but I wasn't going to let it slide. I picked up the pace and was about a foot ahead of Mingus.

"I won." I said

"Whatever. I let you win, cause you know girls they get upset and cry if they lose."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my costume. I changed into my costume and we both went over to make-up. It was kinda weird having Mingus follow me around. When I got to make-up all they did was put blood and dirt on me. After I was do Mingus and I went to look for Norman. He was nowhere in sight.

"Where could he be?" I asked

"How the hell should I know?"

"We'll he has to be here somewhere. He couldn't have just disappeared."

"Well no shit. He isn't a wizard."

"Who's not a wizard?" Mingus and I jumped. We both turned around and saw Norman standing there in his Daryl costume.

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now