Chapter 89: Reason Why I Love You

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Ok guys. First time updating on Monday. Well your probably wondering why i'm updating right now. Aren't i supposed to be in school??? Well i'm ditching. No i'm kidding. I'm not ditching. There's no school today because the staff is doing a big meeting. They do this once every monday. So every month we don't go to school on one Monday. So yeah..... Ok The Walking Dead. Was awesome yesterday. I can't believe Noah stole Daryl's crossbow. I wanted to beat up Noah when he took it. And then when Carol got hit by a car. Wow. And when the car went of the brige that was.... wow. No words. Only 2 more weeks until the Mid season finally. I'm crying. -starts tearing up- promised myself i wasn't going to cry. Ok well here's the chapter. Until next time........



A lot of things are going threw my mind. Why would Chandler be here. Norman said it would just be me and him. But he lied. Norman got out of the car but i just stayed inside. A tear slide down my cheek. Norman came around to my side of the car and told me to roll down the window. So i did.

"You ok Liesel?" he asked 

"Why? Why didn't you tell me Chandler was going to be here? You said it was only going to be and you. How can i trust."

"Honey. Just let Chandler explain everything to you ok? I swear it's what what it looked like. He wants to apologize. "

"Why? I'm done with him. I've giving him so many chances and i still wonder why i go back to him." i said

"You wanna know why? Because you love him. You don't wanna let him go. You love him way to much you still want him in your life."

"Who knows what love is any more. Cause i certainly don't know. Dad i already went there once with him. I'm not going back."

"Yes you are. I don't like seeing you like this. Come on let's go inside. Just let him explain everything. And if you don't believe him then walk away. But if you do then go back to him. He loves you."

"But dad how do i know if he's telling the truth."

"You'll know. Just look in his eyes. And if you believe him then you know he's yours forever. Ok?" i nodded my head. "Ok come on."

I opened the door and he helped me out. I walked up the steps and walked to Chandler. He smiled at me and i gave him a half smile. He hugged me but i didn't hug back. He took me inside and i saw a dinner set for two. I felt an arm wrap around my waist. I shook it off. Then i sat down in one of the chairs. Chandler sat on the other side.

"Listen...." Chandler start

"What do you wanna talk about?" i asked harshly

"I wanted to say that what you saw at the ice cream is not what you think it was. I'm not dating that girl. She just a really good friend."

"Yes because a really good friends ptu his arm around that girl and kisses her cheek?" i asked

"Yes i admit i did all thoses things. I'm guilty of looking at her. Hangin out with her. Put my arm around around her. And kissing her cheek. But the thing i didn't do is cheat on you. Yes i've made mistakes. And do i dersever you? Probably not. But i keep running back to you. And only you. And you wanna know why? Because i love you. I love you and no one else. Please forgive me." he said

"Why should i forgive you? I'm not saying i'll forgive and i'm not saying i am. But give me one reason why i should be with you and only you." i said getting out of my chair. Chandler got out of his chair to and kneeled down an geld my hand

"Because i've loved you. I was there for you when no one else was. I know stuff about you that your afriad to tell anyone else. I've told you stuff about myself that not my fans know. No i should say my family and friends know. Because you bright up my day with the little things you do. Like hold my hand. You make me smile for no reason at all. You amaze me. I can be myself when i'm with you. How you say the cutest things over and over again that never get old. You can read my innermost thoughts just by looking into my eyes. I'm the happiest when i'm with you. I never get bored when i'm with you. You are my first thought when i wake up. And my last thought when i go to sleep. There isn't a day where i don't think about you. Because you're always on my mind. You're everything i could have asked for in a girlfriend. Or just a friend. Liesel when i first saw you come threw your house door that first day i fell in love with you. I love you because you love me for me. You don't love me because i'm 'Chandler Riggs'. You feel in love with me because i'm Chandler Riggs. You didn't fall in love with the famous me just the normal me. I see millions of girls all the time. But you're the only girl i love looking at. I love how you don't ask me to change. I've made a lot of mistakes. But just face it were nothing with out each other. I need you in my life. And you need me. Why else do you think we go back with each other. You went out with my best friend and then came back to me. I love you Liesel. I never stopped. Even when you were dating Sam i still loved you. I love how you mess me up. I love how all my fans love you. But when they don't you don't care. No one has stayed with me for this long. And that's why i love you Liesel Reedus. I love you because your my definition of perfection. I swear i will love you till the day i die. Your my true love Liesel. No one else can make me feel like this. Please forgive me for all the little stupid things i did when i was with you. Please if you forgive me right now i promise not to make anymore mistakes. Do you forgive me?" he asked me 

By now i was in tears. I could now see that Chandler loves me. Who else could have said all those things? "I only said one reason." i said

He got off the floor and hugged me. When he pulled away from the hug he kissed me. I still feel that tingle when he kisses me. I pulled away. "I love you."

"I love you more."


Awe how cute. Raise your hand if you started tearing up when Chandler was saying how much he loved her. Well that's all this chapter was just a filler. So yeah until next time.....


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