Chapter 14: The Plane Ride

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Norman was right I had been having bad dreams lately, but I didn't want to see Dr. Renolds after what happened there the last time. It was painful to think about. My alarm clock woke me up and continued to ring until I had to force myself out of bed and make it stop.

"Ugh!!" I yelled

I got up and got dressed. Yesterday night I had laid out my clothes so I could sleep in a bit longer. I put on a shirt that says 'I Was Born Intelligent, But Education Ruined me.' I also put on a charm bracelet, some tights with short shorts over them, and my red converse. I left my hair down. I went down stairs and saw Norman and Mingus eating cereal.

"What time is it?" I asked yawning

"It's six o'clock."

"Oh my gosh... It's too early in the morning!!! Why do you do this to me Norman?"

"Well I'm sorry for trying to make your dreams come true." He raised his heads in the air

"I'm sorry. What time are we going to get Chandler?" I asked

"Right now." Norman said putting his bowl in the sink.

"What? But I didn't get to eat breakfast. You know they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day."

"Yeah they also say the early bird gets the worm." Mingus said patting my head.

"Don't touch me."

"Why? Only you're little boyfriend can touch you?" Mingus said

I twisted his arm behind his back

"No. Next time you touch me I'll twist you're arm even harder. Maybe even break it."

"Okay, Okay, Okay. Please let me go. LET GO!!! I LOVE YOU!!! PLEASE!!!"

"You two stop fighting and get in the car."

I got out of the car and ran to Chandler's front door. I knocked on it and a few seconds later I heard Chandler saying goodbye to his mom and opened the door.

"Hey." I said

"Hey." He said kissing me

I pulled away. "You ready?" I asked

"Yep. I've got everything, and now that I've got you I'm packed."

"Stop being cheesy and get in the car."

He put his suitcase in the trunk, then came inside the car and set next to me."

"Hey Norman. Hey Mingus."

"Hey." Mingus said

"So did you find out who your singing with?" Chandler asked

"Nope. Norman says that when I'm about to sing that I'll find out. Which to me is crazy cause what if my voice doesn't go well with theirs?"

"True. Well does Norman know who your singing with?"

"Yeah he does, but he wants it to be a surprise. He hasn't even dropped a hint of who it could be."

"That's rude."

Chandler kept getting texts from someone. I was wondering who it was. I think it could have been anyone. His brother, Mom, someone from the cast, or maybe his friend Sam."

"Who are you texting?" I asked


"Please tell me."

"It's no one."

"You know when a person says it's no one that pretty much means it's someone."

"Don't worry about it." He said rubbing my cheek.

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now