Chapter 30: My Voice!

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I had to wake up at 4 am. I was shooting today.  I was so exicted. When i went down stairs i saw Norman making breakfast. Mingus was sitting at the table. But he was sleeping. He wasn't use to waking up early. I tried to wake up Mingus but something was wrong with my voice. I tired again but i couldn't talk.

"Huhuhhuh" i said

"What?" Norman said

I grabbed a pen and paper. I wrote down "I cant talk theres somthing wrong with my voice"

"What are we going to do? You have to shoot today." he said

I just shurrged my shoudlers. Again i wrote down "Lets go to the hositpal."

"Youre right. Lets go."



I pointed to Mingus.

"Oh i see."

Norman picked up Mingus and put hi on his shoulder. We walk put of the house. Why does this have to happen to me? Why today? When we got to the hositpal we left Mingus in the car to sleep. Norman told the lady what was wrong with me. The lady said to go to the room to the left. We walked in and a doctor was in there.

"May i help you?" the doctor asked

"Umm. Yes my daughter can not talk and she has to shoot a sceace for a movie today." Norman said

"Ok have her sit down and i will take a look at her."

I sat down. When i was little i was always afraid of the doctors office. The last time i was here was to get sueroy. And it didn't go well. He took a look at my thort and said that i would be able to talk for about 4 days. 

"Hidhejbfc" i said

"What?" they said at the sam time

I grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil. I wrote down "How am i supposed to shoot the sceace today, and the next days?"

"I don't know sweat heart. Maybe they wont need you today?"

"Dad i'm one of the main character, They will need me." i wrote down

"Lets go talk to them."

I nodded. We drove to the set. I saw Brice an Hazel in there costume by the snack table. Hazel ran to me and hugged me.

"Omg Liesel youre here. I missed you so much. How'd you been?"

"Huhhhuhuuuhuhu." i said


I took out my maket borad and worte down. "I cant talk there's something wrong with my voice."

"Oh i'm sorry. Did you talk to the dicertos."

"No my dad is talking to them write now," i wrote down

"Ok. You want to go to your trailer?"

I nodded. We walked past Brice and he walked with us.

"Hey Liesel i know a way to get your voice back."


"I know you just you just said how. And my mom taught me how to get peoples voices back. We need chicken soup, some pills, your boyfriend, some milk, and candles."

"Why sam?" i wrote down

"Give me your phone so i can call him to tell him to come over."


I gave her my phone. I bet Sam was still sleeping it was only 7 am.

"Hey Sam this is Hazel. I was wondering if you could come to the set today. Yea.....Yea...Yea. Her voice is gone. Yea... Ok but hurry."

"What did he say?" Brice asked

"He's coming."

"What do you need Sam for?"

"Just trust me. Now Brice go get some chicken soup, milk, and some candles please."


"Remember cinimion candles."


Soon Brice came back with Sam.

"Huuhuhuh." i said

"Oh my gosh your throut is sore."


"I cant understand you." he said

"I know." i wrote down

"So what do you need me for?" Sam asked Hazel

"Just hold up. Liesel eat this soup."

I ate the soup while Hazel put a candle by me.

"Why do we have to have candles?" i wrote down

"Because the smell of cinomen help some people."

(This is made up. It is not real. If you cant talk then dont try this.)

"Are you almost done with the soup?"

"Yea." i wrote down

"Ok now i want you to kiss Sam."

"Why?" i wrote down

"It will help your throut."

"Ok i'll kiss him but you need to get out."

"Ok i'll be back in a few minutes."

Sam and i kissed. We kissed until Hazel came back.

"Ok now Liesel try to talk."

"It's not going to work Hazel." i said

"Yes it did."

"Oh my gosh it worked i can talk now. Thank you so much Hazel." i said huggin her

"No problem. But why did we need Sam?"

"Because it helped your thourt. You know the soup you ate?"

"Yea what about it?"

"It had this kind of pill that helps you throut. And when you kissed Sam it just helped you throut get bigger. Becasue when you work up it was small. That your voice wouldn't come out."

"You are such a good friend."

"I know."

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now