Chapter 110: I Didn't Leave Them

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~~5 Days Later~~
Thunder shook the house. I flinched in my sleep. They had come back. I had totally forgotten about them but all the sudden they came back. My legs kicked as it went inside my mind. Lighting hit the ground right next to the house. I couldn't wake up. There was a thunderstorm happening outside. I hated thunderstorms. I wanted to wake up and scream but I couldn't my night terrors were happening. They had gone away but they came back
"Why'd you leaves Liesel?" Chandler's spoke. I turned around but nothing he wasn't there. "The time I needed the most. You left. How could you? You said forever. That forever was too short. Why? Is your career more important that me? Than Norman? You're giving us up just for a stupid role in a musical? I thought I knew you but I don't. I wanted you in my life. When we went out we always broke up. But I always went back-"
I covered my ears with my hands. This was all fake. I can't listen to this. STOP!!! STOP!!! STOP!!! My head was in my knees. Then all the sudden something picked me up. It was Norman.
"Thank god Norman your back." I said. "I was hearing these things and -Norman?" I asked. He just stood there doing nothing. I looked around us. There was nothing. I tired to get out of his grip but I couldn't. Then his mouth opened.
"Why did you leave? You were only thinking of yourself weren't you? I adopted you one year. I thought for years if I should adopt you. And in a split second you want to leave. It's like I meant nothing to you. How could you leave?"
I shot up. I was sweating. My breath was heavy. Thunder echoed in the background. It was only a dream. Thank god it was only a dream. Someone came in it the room, it was Foster. "Hey Foster what's wrong?" I asked
"I'm scared of the thunder. I would to Gabby but she hates when I sleep in her room. So can I sleep here?" He said. I smiled at him. I scooted over and patted my bed. He closed the door and ran over to me. "Why are you sweeting?" He asked
"Just a bad dream. Now go to sleep.
"Add-I mean Liesel I'm happy your here. It's awesome to have an older sister who loves me."
"What do you mean? You have Gabby. Don't you like her?" I asked
"Sure but she doesn't love me. She treats me like a baby. And I'm 10!!"
"Don't worry Foster. You know my brother Mingus that I've told you about?" He nodded his head. "Well he treats me like I'm 4 and he's only a few months older than me."
"Wow! He's mean."
"Not really. I'm lucky to have him. He's an awesome brother. And I'm sure you are too. Now go to sleep." I said. I kissed his forehead
Foster and I walked downstairs. We were the first ones down there. "You want cereal?" He asked.
"Sure. What kind do you have?"
"We have Fruit Loops, Rice Chex, Fruity Pebbles, and Raisin Brand."
"I'll take Fruity Pebbels." I said. He handed me the box. "Thank you." I said. I poured it in my bowl and put milk in it. "Foster come over here." I said. He came over to me. I got out my phone and took a picture of the two of us. He made a duck face with the peace sign. And I just hugged him and smiled.
I posted in on Instagram, and the caption was... 'Hanging out with this cutie. One of the best little brothers I could ask for. Even if I've only known him for less than a week Love him to death.'
Soon I got 1,000 likes on it. I smiled. I grabbed the spoon and out cereal in my mouth. Someone came into the kitchen. It was Gabby. "Morning." She said yawning.
"Morning." Foster and I said at the same time. My phone rang. I looked at the Caller I.D and saw Chandler's name. "Hello?" I asked
"Hey Liesel it's me." Chandler said
"Oh hey Chandler. What's going on?"
"Nothing much. I miss you like crazy."
"I miss you too. How Norman and Mingus?"
"They're good. Normans here with me right now wanna talk to him?"
"I can't. I have to go and meet up with a guy."
"What guy?" He asked sternly
"It's not what you think. He's the one who gave me the job on Broadway. We have a meeting."
"Ok. Well I'll talk to you before you go to sleep?"
"I can't either. I promised Foster I'd catch up with him. We have 10 years to catch up with each other."
"Ok then what about tomorrow?"
"Sorry. I'll be practicing. Then I'll have an interview. Then I have to learn the dance. By the time I do it'll be late. Plus you have filming to do."
"So when will you have time?" He asked sadly
"I don't know. I'll make time."
"Sure you will. Well I gotta go as well. I have to film."
"I still love you, you know that right?"
"Yeah I know. Just how much longer will you love me?"
"Chandler!" I said
"I gotta go bye." He said then hung up.
I just looked at my phone and went upstairs. Foster followed me. Ever since I got here Foster and I got closer. I laid down on my bed. Foster came in and sat down with me. "Are you ok Liesel?" He asked
"I'm fine. I'm just gonna go to work now ok?"
"Ok what do I tell Miles?"
"Tell him I went to work and that I'll call him later."
I grabbed my bag that I kept everything and left out the door. Two days after I first got here I found out that my parents had adopted Miles. That was one of the best surprises that anyone could ask for. I loved Miles like a brother and now he was. I turned the corner. There was a guy waiting by the street lights. I stood next to him.
"Hey baby."
"Leave me alone. I have a boyfriend." I said
"I don't see him."
"He lives in Georgia."
"Long distance relationship never work. Might as well break up with him." He said letting the smoking out of his mouth. I rolled my eyes,
"Yeah I'm not breaking up with him any time soon." I said "I love him with all my heart."
"Then why did you leave him there?" He asked
"How'd you know that?"
"Who doesn't? Your Liesel Reedus. Norman Reedus adoptive daughter. Your dating Chandler Riggs and came here to be on Broadway. Everyone knows you left them to be on Broadway."
The light turned green. "I didn't leave them." I walked across the street and entered the building. I turned around and the guy from before was gone. I wondered how he knew who I was. When I turned the corner I saw my friend Adreanna. "Oh hey Adreanna." I said.
"Oh hi. You like my costume?" She asked
I looked down and she was wearing an costume from the musical we were doing. "I love it." Adreanna was a background dancer.
"Thanks. Now I gotta go to make up." She said
"Ok I'll see you out there. Hey where Adam?" I asked
"Oh last time I saw him he was with Mr. Hudson."
Adam was playing Aladdin in the musical. He was a great guy, and of course we had to kiss but it was going to mean nothing to us. He was a 20 year old guy and I'm 16. So of course we couldnt be in a relationship. I walked into Mr. Hudson office and Adam was sitting there. "Oh hey Adam." I said
"Hey Kiddio." He said
"I'm not a kid."
"You're younger than 18 so your a kid."
I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. So Mr. Hudson where do I go to get my costume?" I asked
"Done the hall and to the left. Take Adam with you." He said.
Adam followed me. "Still don't understand why they chose a 16 year old girl to be on Broadway." Adam said
"Because in talented."
"Yeah sure ok. Whatever you say." He said. I punched his arm.
"Ow." I said holding my hand
"I work out you know."
"I can tell."
"Oh and just one thing don't fall in love wit me."
"Me fall in love with you? Not a problem." I said as we walked into the room. -----------------------------------
Ok hey guys how did you like this chapter? I hoped you liked it. Did you guys hear what happened with the U.S.? Finally all gays can can get married in all 50 states!! I'm happy. Besides that tomorrow is Baes birthday. He's amazing and I love him so damn much. I'm so lucky to have him in my life. And if you don't know who I'm talking about then why are you reading this? Tomorrow is CHANDLER CARLTON RIGGS BIRTHDAY!!! Yeah. I was gonna update tomorrow but I don't know. Me and my family might go somewhere tomorrow. And if we don't than I might update. I'm sad now only 10 chapters left. It's almost done. Oh and I asked for fan art but I've gotten none. *sad face*. I was looking forward to getting at least one but I've gotten none. I'll be fine. But remember you can send me them. I would love to see them. Well until next time............

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