Chapter 66: Lexi Saves The Day

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Hope you like his chapter @alexis543216. Sorry it took me forever to get you into a chapter. But I need to wait. Because I had a ton of ideas. But I love this idea. So hope you like it.



~~~A Few Days Later~~~

There is nothing to do today. Not kidding. Norman and Chandler are shooting today. Mingus is hanging out with one of his friends. Aurora and Ty are hanging out. Summer is on a date with Hayes Grier. Polly had to go somewhere with her family. Bria she had to go out of town. (Family's birthday). Lindsay is spending time with her brother.

So all that's left is me. No one to hang out with. Ugh. I looked threw my speed dial for someone to hang out with. Hazel. Nope hate her. Brice? I don't know I'll give it a try. I gave him a call. On the 3 ring he answered.

"Hello?" Brice asked over the phone

"Hey Brice. I know this is unexpected but I was wondering if you wanted to go to the park?"

"Uh I don't know. I'm kinda busy right now."

"If you can't I understand."

"You didn't let me finish. How about in an hour?"


"K I'll walk over to your house and we'll walk to the park."



I hung up the phone. Yay now I won't be stuck in this house the whole day. I started getting ready. So I went threw my closet and tried to chose something to wear. Then I decided on a plaid shirt. Black jeans. Boots and a scarf. I also wore a bag. Then my phone went off. It was a text message from Brice saying that he was down stairs. Quickly I looked at myself in the mirror and went down stair. When I opened the door I saw Brice. He looked different. He got a hair cut and he got for muscular. He smiled and I also did.

"Hey Brice." I said

"Hey Liesel."

"I like your Haircut."


We started walking to the park. A few guys looked at me. But Brice pretend to be my boyfriend and told them to back off. Good thing he did. All we did was walk around the park.

"So how's working with Rachel?" I asked out of the blue

"Not as fun as working with you. I mean she's great and all but she's not as fun as you. But it's great working with her. I just wish you didn't get kicked off the movie."

"But why? We'll besides the fact that I'm your friend."

"Cause your funny, smart, cute, and I was really looking forward to kissing you."


"Liesel you know I like you."

"Yea I know that. But you know I'm with Chandler."

"So what. I love you so much." He grabbed my wrist.

"Brice let go." I tried to get away

"No not until you say you love me."

"Brice I don't love you."

"To bad I'm going to make you love me"

He grabbed the back of my neck. Then I tried to force me to kiss him. I kept on turning my head so he won't kiss me. All I wanted was Chandler. Finally I don't know how but Brice got to my lips. He kissed me but I didn't kiss but. I was trying to figure out a way out. Then he pushed me against a tree. Then someone pushed him off me. I wiped my lips off and looked at the person who saved me. I didn't see the front of her but I saw she was tall and had blonde hair. She punched him a few times before she came over to me.

"Thanks." I said

"No problem. I love helping people."

"How did you know to save me?" I asked

"Because I know you. Your Liesel Reedus. Your dating Chandler. And that's Brice. He's in a movie call Two-In one. By the way I'm Lexi."

"Thanks again for saving me. Wanna come over and hang out sometime?"

"Sure. How about right now?"


We walked back to my house. Lexi was pretty cool. She was sporty, smart and funny. When we got to my house Mingus, Chandler, and Norman were there. The first thing they saw when we came threw the door was Lexi. I went over and hugged Mingus and Norman. Then kissed Chandler.

"Uh Liesel who's this stranger." Mingus asked

"This is my new friend Lexi. Lexi this is....."

"Norman Mingus and Chandler. Yep I know them." She said

"What do you stalk us or something?" Mingus asked

"No I know Norman and Chandler from the walking dead. And I know your Normans son."

"Well it's nice to you meet you Lexi." Norman said

"Nice to meet you to."

Chandler Lexi and I went to my room. We talked and talked until Chandler asked the question that I have been trying to avoid.

"So how'd you two meet?" Chandler asked

"We'll you know Brice right?" He nodded "I was hanging out with him and he tried to make me kiss him. And Lexi beat him up."

"I'm going to kill him."

He got pissed off. And left the room.

(Chandler's POV)

I meant what I said. I was going to kill him. I walked over to his house. When I knocked on the door his mom answered. So I pretend to act like I wasn't going to kill him.

"Hi Chandler what can I do for you?" She asked

"I was wondering if Brice is here?"

"Yes he is just go up to his room. Just go up the stairs it's the third door on the left."

"Thank you."


Angrily I went to his room and opened it. Brice was right there. His cheek was purple. Whatever that Lexi girl did I'm glad she did it.

"Chandler what are you doing here?" He asked

"I'm here because I wanted to talk to you about Liesel."

"What about her?"

"Why did you try to kiss her."

"Cause I like her. And nothing is stopping me from making her mine. I will do anything for her."

"To bad. She will never be your she's mine. I gave her a promise ring,"

"So what? It just a promise ring. It doesn't mean anything."

"It means she mine and you have to back off. I love Liesel more than you ever did."

"I don't think so. Why would she go with Sam. Then break up with him then all the sudden go back with you?"

"Cause she loves me."

"Think again she was loney. All she wanted was a boyfriend. So sorry to break it to you she doesn't love you."

Was this true?


Hope you like that chapter. I did. It was funny writing. Remember around 20 more chapter and I'm done. I'm sorry. But enjoy it. Love you all. Bye.

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