Chapter 54: Breakfast Is Served......With Hate

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I woke up and it was 10:13 am. It was Saturday. Yay. I thought I would be a good day to hang out with Aurora. I went into the bathroom and took shower, brushed my teeth. I went into my closet to chose something to wear. I wore black skinny jeans, a lose white tang top. My hair was in a side bride. When I went downstairs I saw that Norman was cooking.

"Whatcha cooking Daddio?" I asked putting my arms on the counter

"We'll I thought that I would try something new. So I cooked Sausage. I got it from the cook book."

We both walked to the table. He put two on my plate and put two on his plate. Carefully we both cut the sausage. Then I counted down from three. Then we put it into our mouths. We chewed. Let me tell you it tasted like poop. We both looked at each other then grabbed a napped and spit it out.

"Why don't we go to IHOP?" He asked

"Yea and please don't ever try to make sausage again." I said cleaning off my tongue.

"I promise."

Mingus came down and looked at the plate of sausage.

"Ohh Sausage. Don't mind if I do." He said grabbing one.

"Mingus....." I said but Norman put his hand over my mouth.

"What?" He asked

We shook our head. Then Norman whispered something in my ear.

"Let him try the sausage."

We watched as he took a bit of it. Then next thing you know he spit it out. We both laughed.

"You guys are terrible." He said whipping his tongue

"I was going to warn you by dad had to cover my mouth." I said looking at Norman.

"We're going to IHOP. Want to come with us?" Norman asked

"Sure can Hazel come?"

"I don't see why not."

"Oh since we are inviting people can I invite Aurora?"

"Who's Aurora?" Mingus asked

"A friend I meet yesterday."


I called Aurora and she said she would love to come. Then I thought for a second since Hazel is going to be there I thought I should bring Chandler. Since I might get mad. He also said yes. We said we would all meet there at 11. Mingus, Norman and I got into the car and drove off to IHOP!!! Once we got there we got a table for 8. Since Andrew and Emily wanted to come. Emily and I hung out a little bit. But we were close.

I waited for Aurora and Chandler to come. Chandler came first.

"Hey." I said wrapping my arms around his neck and giving him a kiss.

"Hey." He said kissing me back. "So where your new friend?"

"Oh..... There she is." I said pointing to Aurora who was coming inside

He was wearing some jeans, a T-Shirt of.... I really couldn't tell but it looked cool. She left her hair down. She came over and hugged me. Then Hazel came here's the door. She looked kinda mad that I was hugging Aurora. But I didn't care. Chandler sat on my left and Hazel had to sit on my right. Both of us scooted away from each other. We ordered our food. I got pancakes, eggs and bacon. I would have gotten sausage to but after what happened this morning I didn't want to relive that.

"So Chandler I hear your dating Liesel." Aurora said

"Yep and I'm one lucky guy." He said inter winding our hands.

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