Chapter 48: The 'First' Date

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I looked out the Limo. I could see the sunset coming. The sky was the color yellow, oragne and it was beautiful. Then all the sudden Chandler sat by me. 


"Ummm hi" i said

"Look Liesel i really like you."

"I can tell."

"I just hope this 'first' date goes well."

"What do you mean first date. We've gone on millions of dates before."

"I now but this is kinda our first date because you've always been going out with Sam. So since we are kinda go out again this is our first date."

"Ok i get it now."

Chandler and I went to the movies first. We watched Neighbors. It was super funny. My favorite part was when the dad saw the baby blowing a ballon but it wasn't a ballon it was a condom. That was funny. Chandler had his arm around me the whole time. And some parts we would kiss. I would have to say that Chandler paid more attention to me than the movie. Because in the corner of my eye i could see him looking at me. It was pretty weird. When the movie was over Chandler held my hand and we started walking towards the exit when two girls came. One of was blonde and the other othe had brown hair. The one with brown hair was taller.

"Can we help you?" Chandler asked holding my hand tighter

"Yea i wanted to know if your Liesel Reedus." The brunette asked

"Yea i am. Why?"

They laughed. "I told you she was the one with night terriors." the blonde ones asked

"I know and i can't believe that thee Chandler Riggs is dating her. He has bad taste in girls."

"Hey Juliey who am i." she said screaming and kicking

"Umm let me guess you Liesel Reedus. The stupid girl with no life who cheats on boys and is ugly."

I couldn't take it anymore. So i ran out the door. I sat down by the wall and put my head to my knees. 

(Chandler's POV)

Everything was going great until the two girl came up to us. I watched as they made fun of Liesel. Then Liesel ran out of the movie theater. The two girls just stood there laughing as Liesel ran out. The when they were done laughing the brunette came up to me and kissed me. I pulled back.

"What the heck is you problem?" i asked

"Nothing. I just always wanted a famous boyfriend." she said slowly touching my little buddy

"Back off. I have a girlfriend."

"Really cuz i don't see her."

"That's cuz you made her run out of here."

"Yea i know she pathiec."

"No she isn't your the pathiec ones. I bet all you guys do is go around making fun of people and flirt with guys you don't know. You should just stop thinking about yourself and think about someone else."

"But i am thinking about someone else. I'm thinking about you. And how you would look like naked." she said starting to unbuckle my belt

"I told you to stop." i said backing away

"We got a fiesty one here Maddie." she said to the blonde one

"I like fiesty ones they are great in bed."

"You guys are sluts. I bet my money that you've hooked up with about or than 10 guys this week maybe more." i said walking away

When i walked outside i saw Liesel sitting down with her head in her knees. So i sat down next to her. I put my knees to my chest and looked at the stars.

"You ok Liesel?"

"Does it look like i'm ok?"

"No. I know stupid question. Guess waht they were trying to do to me in there."

"I don't know tell me."

"They we trying to get me to seduce me."

She laughed. "Oh my gosh. What did you do?"

"I told them to back off. Which they did."
"Good." she said

"Yea. We should probably get you home." i said standing up

"But what about bowling?"

"We can do that another time. And plus i think it's closed."


We got to the Limo and sat down. Liesel rested her head on my lap and fell asleep. When we got to her house . I carried her upstaris. And covered her in a blanket. Then kissed her forhead.

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now