Chapter 20: Getting To Know New People

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Brice's P.O.V

We all went up to Liesel room to hang out before we had to shoot. I didn't know why but I instantly felt attracted to Liesel when I saw her. There was just something about her.

"Okay my turn." I said. "I'm afraid of bats."

Liesel looked shocked "You are? Why?"

"They freak me out. Just look at them you never know when they change transform into a vampire and bite you and you're forced to turn into Edward Cullen."

"I mean... Edward Cullen isn't that bad looking" Hazel suggested.

"Well back to the story. I'm scared of them because once we were on a school field trip and a dude made me hold one and being my seven year old self I was excited and next thing you know it bite me. It left a huge mark."

"How? I always thought that when a bat bit you that it was small." Hazel said

"Well this was a huge ass bat."

"Well damn... My turn. Um... I don't know. I've killed someone before?" Liesel said. I was taken back a bit but before I could ask why she answered. "It's not as bad as it seems. I stabbed him with a pencil and well he got lead poisoning and died."

"Oh my god. You're a badass."

"Thank you. Thank you." Liesel laughed. I couldn't help but stare at her. "Okay you're turn Hazel.

"When I was five I got into a car accident."

"Oh my god were you okay?" Liesel asked

"Well duh. I'm here now. If i wasn't I'd be dead."

Before I could comment on her situation we heard someone come into the room. It was Chandler and some other blonde kid. I rolled my eyes when he came in and he happened to notice. He gave me an odd look but I chose to ignore.

"Hey can Sam and I join you guys. The adults are playing spin the bottle and if we join it wouldn't be pretty and it would be illegal."

"Sure." Hazel said.

Chandler made his way to Liesel and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and she giggled and kissed his lips. I rolled my eyes once again. I had to get Liesel away from Chandler if this was gonna work.

"Hey Liesel you look amazing tonight."

She blushed and smiled at her lap. "Thanks. I barely got back from being on an airplane. I honestly though I looked like crap."

"You? Never." I said She laughed and so did I. Chandler gave me a death glare and I just smiled at him.

Every so often I'd make a flirtatious comment to Liesel and she'd just blush and smile at me. I could tell Chandler was getting jealous but I didn't mind and continued going. My mother had called me and told me it was time to go home. I said my goodbye and felt Chandler walking behind me. Next thing I knew I was being shoved to the wall.

"What the fuck are you doing flirting with my girlfriend?"

"What do you mean? I was just being nice." I said smirking at him

"Bullshit. You knew what you were doing. Whatever you're up to it's not gonna work. Liesel loves me."

"That's funny."

"Stay away from her. Or I will get you. I'm not even joking. I hear one thing from Liesel and I will kill you."

"Well here the thing buddy. Liesel is my girlfriend in the movie and we do have to kiss in a few scenes. So yeah. Can't keep that promise Chandler. Bye."

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now