Chapter 27: WHY????

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Hey guys i dont know if ill update tomorrow. But i think i might. If you guys what to leave me some ideas that you want to see in this fanfiction please leave a comment.


I walked around set until i found my dad. i ran to him and jumped on his back.

"Oh my....."

"Hey dad."

"Hey ive been wanting to talk to you."

"Whats up?"

"You have to go to mid season 4 perimne with Chandler."


"You heard me"

"But i wanted to go with Sam."

"Change of plans."

"Dad thats not fair. I should be able to go with my boyfriend. Not my ex. And i bet Chandler wants to go with his girlfriend."

"No hes the one who asked Robert if you two can go to the permime together."


"Yea he asked."

"But i dont want to go with him. People there wil think were dating. Then i wont be able to go out with Sam."

"I know but he already told people youre going with him."

"Oh my gosh when i see him im going to kill him."

"Liesel?!!" he said raising his voice




I walked back to my trailer. I saw Sam on my couch reading one of my comics. I walked back and forth past the couch mumbling some.

"I am going to kill him so bad. Why did he say that? im going to kill him if its the last thing i do." i mumbled 

"What saying?" Sam asked

i sat next to him and told him everything. He got really mad. It looked like he wanted to kill him to. He got up and went towards the door.

"Where are you going?" i asked

"The ice cream shop. Why?"

"Cause im going with you."

We walked hand and hand. A lot of people wanted pictures with me and Sam. The paparazzi came to us. You know what that mean trouble. They asked all kinds of questions. Some where like are you dating Chandler. Are you dating Sam. Are you dating both. After them asking the same question over and over again. I yelled at them


That shut them up. They finally lefted us alone.

"What was that all about?" Sam asked

"I got pissed off."

"I love when you get mad."

"I dont it brings the ugly out of me."

"No it doesnt you are beautiful inside and out."

"Finally were here. Lets go inside and kill him."

"Wait why dont we talk to him before we 'kill' him."

"Uggg fine."

We walked into the ice cream shop and Chandler looked at us. I told him to come over here. I gave him a death glare.

"What?" he asked

"You know what." Sam and i said

"No i dont."

"Why did you ask Robert if you could go to the mid season perime with me?" i said

"Because it would be better if we go together. Because all the couples in the show are going together. So i thought we should to."

"You could of asked her before you told everyone?" Sam said

"Well i was going to tell her when we were on set together. But i could find a way to say it. I couldnt ask you out."

"Sam can you give me and Chandler a minute?"

"Sure." he said walking away

"Come outside with me." i said

We walked outside.

"Whats up?"

"Why is it hard to ask me out? Youve asked me out before."

"Because it was easier when we were going out. But now that we arent its weird."

"You couldve just said as friends."

"Its weird because i still like you Liesel."

Why does he still like me? He has a girlfriend and i have a boyfriend. I felt sick to my stomach. Please tell me this is a dream. He cant still love me. Can he? I think he still does.

"When you smile it brights up a whole room. I want to be with you every second of the day. When youre with Sam it breaks my heart. I keep a smile on face so you can be happy. When youre near me i get butterflies.When i see those baby blue eyes of your it makes me believe i can do anything."


"Dont what."

"Dont do this. Dont say you still have feelings me. Please. I love Sam now."

"But i do still love you. I dont care if you love Sam. I will never stop loving you."

"You have a girlfriend."

"I got to go." i said walking away i walked into the store.

"Sam lets go." i said walking out the shop.

"What did Chandler say?"

I dont know if i should tell him. If i do it might ruin his friend ship with Chandler. But if i dont i wouldnt be doing anything about it. And maybe his crush on me will grow. I want us to be just friends. But he doesnt.


"Are you going with him to the prieme with him."

"Well down the red carpet yea but il sit next to you and him."


He walked me home. After he left i punched the brick wall. Probably not the best idea. I screamed and yelled. I call Norman and he took me to the hositpal. They put a cast on me.

"What were you thinking?" Norman asked

"I was pissed off thats all."

"But why would you punch the wall?"

"Because i was talking to Chandler at the ice cream shop and he told me h-he l-l-l loved me."

"So that doesnt mean.......Wait he still loves you?" 


"Ok but next time come and talk to me about it before you punch the wall."

"K im sorry."

"Dont be. Lets just go home."

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