Chapter 83: Fighting

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I sat in the back of the car. And hit Mingus in the back of the head. He turned around and hit me. This was turning into a huge fight. I hit him in the head. He hit me in my face. Norman pulled over and looked at us.

"What's wrong with you two? It's like i'm raising a pack of wild hyenas." He said.

"What do Hyenas have to do in this?" i asked

"Just stop fighting. The two of you. I;m seruois. What happened to the brotherly and sisterly love between you guys? I even have a photo of you two sleeping together."

"WHAT?!?!?!" We both said

"Yeah it's my backround photo. But just stop fighting or were going back home and both of you will be grounded. And i'll take away your phones, T.V's, and computers. So if you wanna keep them then stop fighting."

"Yes dad." we said

Norman started driving again. No of us said another word. After a long car ride we finally got to Denny's. Norman got inside first and Mingus held the door for me. I jsut stood there.

"Why are you holding the door?" i asked

"What i can't be a nice person?" he asked

"You nice??? Hahah. That's funny. Now why are you holding the door."

"Goodness just trying to be a good brother. But i guess not. Why don't you hold your own door?" 

He closed the door and i opened my own door. Mingus is really weird. Probably just pubrity. Oh well. I shugged and went behide Norman. Our waiter finlly came. And it was the one and only Megan. What a barrel of monkeys this will be. 

"I'm Megan ho......... Norman, Liesel, Mingus what are you three doing here?" she asked

"What does it look like? Were going to eat. Now can you please just take us to our table?" i asked harshly

"Wow your still the same annoying girl." she looked at me. 

"Oh yeah well at least i'm not a big a....." Norman put his hand over my mouth. I looked at him.

"If you do anything bad today you will get grounded." he said

My blood started boiling. I really wanted to rip her head off. But then again i wanted to keep my phone. Gosh it's like chosing you favorite actor or your favorite musican. You can't make a choice. Ugh but for Norman i kept quiet. Even though they broke up i kept queit. What's wrong with me???

She took us to the table.We got a booth. Norman sat by the window. I sat next to Norman. And Mingus sat right across from me. Megan asked what kind of drinks we wanted. Norman wanted coffee. Mingus and i ordered orange juice. We started looking threw the menu. When Mingus kicked my foot. I kicked him back. We started playing footies. I looked up at him and shook my head. He just smiled. Norman looked at the both of us.

"You two know i'm not blind or deaf. I can see that your playing footies under the table." he said

"Sorry. I'm telling Mingus to stop. But he won't" i said

"Nuh uh. She's lying. You may think she's an angel but she's the devil. You better watch out or when your sleeping she'll put a rat on your bed."

I looked at Mingus. Then looked at Norman. Niether one of us believe him. We both shook our head. Then Megan came with the drinks. She set down our orange juice. Then right went she was going to give Norman his coffee she spilled it all over my lap. I jumped up.

"Hot hot hot. That's freaken hot. What the fuck is your problem? I'm wanna talk to your manger. NOW!!!!" I screamed.

"His not here so just sit your little white ass down and stop complaining. Or i'll ban you from this place just like what IHOP did to you." she looked at me.

I was about to punch her but Mingus stopped me. So i pushed him down. Once i realized that i just pushed Mingus i help him up.

"Sorry i didn't mean to push you." i said to Mingus helping him up

"It's fine. I know you didn't mean to."

I sat down and Megan took our order. Norman got a cheese omlet. With a side of hash browns, bacon, and pancakes. Mingus got big pancakes, a side of eggs, and bacon. Me i got big blueberry pancakes, some eggs, a side of hash browns, and bacon. It was one of the best breakfast ever. 

"I dont ever want to come to Denny's again." i said

"Why you didn't like the food?" Mingus asked

"No i loved the food. I hate Megan."

"Just calm down. I;m sure we won't come out again. Cause you too won't stop fighting. What's up with you two?"

"It's called were both going threw pubrity dad. You went threw it." i said

"Yeah i now i went threw it. But i never fought with anyone."

Mingus and i looked at each other and crossed our arm then looked at Norman in a 'really' look. "What i never go into any fight."

"Mhm." Mingus and i said and walked to the car.

This was going to be a day full of fighting. I can just tell. 



Sorry had to get that out of my system. So who's exitced. (raises hand) i am. Ahh well i really have nothing much to say. I'm going to Mc donalds with my bestie in a few mintues. So that's good. 

Let's see has anything happened this week. I have and A+ in math. That's a first. And i'm in 8th grade. And 8th grade math is supposed to be hard but not really. Oh well. Uh....... Nothing really happens in my life so i'm sorry. I'm not an intersting person. DON'T HATE ME!!!!! i dont know why you guys would hate me. But i'm random. So i'll probably update after The Walking Dead premires. So just hold up.

Ha. I remember at the begin of my book i would update 2 chapters every single day. Yeah that doesn't happen. I just don't have the time. Well i do. But i'm lazy. So yeah.... (looks at a wall)/

That's a nice wall. It's very green. And green.

Well since none of you read this i should stop. Until next time.......


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