Chapter 101: Who Are You?

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So many things went through my mind. I never knew that two words could change my life. That would lead me into a new life. That would tell me about my past. That person will change my life forever. It only took one call and boom my life changes. Two words.

"Hey Sweetheart." the voice said. 

I looked at Chandler. He mouthed 'Who is it?'. I shrugged.

"I-I think you have the wrong number." I said weakly.

"No I don't. Your Norman Reedus daughter aren't you? And Helena daughter. Your name is Liesel Reedus. At least that's what you think it is."

"Who are you?" I asked

"I'm your mom. Your real one. The one who gave birth to you. The one who named your Addison instead of Liesel. The one who carried you in her stomach for 9 months. And the one who lost you because someone kidnapped you. It's me."

"What do you want?" I asked

"I want to see my baby girl. I wanna see you Ad- I mean Liesel. Please i've already lost you for so many year. I wanna be able to see you just one more time. Please."

"I don't know you're supposed to be talking to my dad about this."

"Which dad? Your have three dads. Your biological dad? Your kidnapper dad? Or your adoptive dad?"

"My dad. You know which one i'm talking about. I wanna see you. But it's his choice."

"No it's not it's yours."

I hung up on her. I threw my phone to wall. Chandler looked at me confused. "What was that about?"

"That was my mom. She wanted to know if I wanted to see her."

"Why would you hang up on Helena? She awesome You know for my birthday she got me a headset."

"That's great Chandler but i'm talking about my biological mom. The one who gave birth to me."

"Oh...Yeah I see where that would be a problem." He said nodding. I looked at him and then rested my head on his legs. "Are you ok?" He asked stroking my hair

"Not really. My life is terrible. I hate it."

"Yeah no offense. But your life sucks. Like you thought you lived with this terrible family. You got into this accident and didn't remember anything. Then a year later you find out that your real parents well you thought they we're your real parents kidnapped you. And that you had other parents along. Wow that's a lot to deal with. What are you going to do?"

"I don't know. I just wanted to forget everything."

"Yeah if only this was all a dream. And you wake up and everything that happened in your dream happens in real life then you can some how stop the bad things from happening."

"Why does everybody say that? That would never happen. No one can dream for that long. Be real." I said.

"True that would never happen. Unless you we're in a Sci-Fi movie."

"Chandler you gotta stop watching Sci-Fi movie."

"I will never." he said. I rolled my eyes.

A few minutes later Mingus came into the room. He closed the door and came into the room. He looked at me and smiled. "What happened Mingus?" I asked

"First he started yelling. Then he asked why I did what I did. I told him. Then we started talking. He's taking my phone away. I'm not getting my drivers license until my next birthday. And I can't go out of the house for the rest of the year."

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now