Chapter 44: Hanging Out

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A few minutes later Chandler came up to my room. I was allowed to friedns over but i can not go out of my room. Chandler brought pizza and a huge tub of rainbow ice cream. He also made unicorn poop cookies. (If you don't know what they are Picture on the side.)

"Hey. I'm here." Chandler said

"Yea i can see that. How much food did you bring?" i asked

"A ton because my mom and dad are going out of town and they said i could sleep over here. And guess what. So i heard that you are doing an online school so i asked my mom and dad if i could sign up to and they said yes."

"Really that's great." i said hugging him

"So are we going to eat or not." he said

"Eat." the was a pause "Do you want to watch a movie to?"

"Yea sure. What movies you got?"

"A ton but you know what we can do." i said getting closer to him

"And what is that?"

"We can watch all the movies i got. It would be like a movie marthon."

"Sounds great."

I laid down on my bed and turned on the T.V. We put all the food in the middle of the bed. Lucky for me i had some 'extra candy hidden under my bed. I took it out and dumped it on my bed.

"Oh my gosh where'd did you get all this candy from?" Chandler asked

"I've saved it. Ever since i was in the foster home i have been saving it."

"Saving it for what."

"I've never had a sleep over so i promised myself when i had my first sleep over that we would eat candy."

There was milkyways, 3 mustees, skilles, M&M, Butterfingers, Bubble gum, Sugar drops, Hersey, Gummybears, Resse, crunch, twix, Laffy Taffy, Lollypops, Gumdrops, Starburst, Jolly ranchers, snickers, etc. There were many different kinds of candy. Millions of peices of candy everywhere.

"Then lets eat." he said

~~~5 min later~~~

"Liesel... I wanted to know if we..."

"Chandler... I... I... know what you want."

"But please? I love you too much Liesel. When I found out that you and Sam were dating, I literally was crushed."

"Chandler. I still have a few feelings for you... and yes I was wondering the same thing."

"Liesel. I love you more than anyone else. Especially Rachel. At first she and I liked each other but then that died out. When I found you... I never wanted anyone to have you except me."

"Chandler... I'll think about it. Ok?"

"Sure all the time you want."

We sat down and watched the movie. It was pretty good. Chandler even tried to put his arm around me but when i gave him a death glare we took it off. By the time we finished 5 movies we almost ate all the food. Chandler had brought 5 boxs of pizza. Which was alot but we finished it.

"So i heard what happened to you." Chandler said

"Yea. I know ranaway. But i just thought that everyones life would be better with me in it."

"No it wouldn't. If you left for a long time i would be sad. i wouldn't have anything to do. Please dont ever runaway again."

"I promised it won't"

"Pinkie swear?" He holding out his pinkie

"Pinkie swear." i said grabbing his pinkie with mine.

We watched the rest of my moives. By the time we were done with the movie it was 3 am. Wow i had a ton of movies. Chandler had fallen asleep on the floor with a slice of pizza still in his hand. I put a blanket on his and went to sleep. I really couldn't go to sleep all i could think about was what Chandler told me today. Everytime i shut my eyes i could see Chandlers face. Weird. When i fianlly feel alseep i had a bad dream. But it was about Chandler.


I'm running threw the woods. I don't know why.

"Come on out here." Chandler said

"No.Leave me alone." i yelled

I was in the middle of the woods. No where to go. But if i had somewhere to go which way would i go. I'm pretty sure i went that way. I've been here before. I've sen that log before. I was losing my mind. Chandler grabbed me and took me somewhere. It took us forever to get there.

When we did get there we were in warehouse. He pushed me into a room. The room was dark scary place. It had creepy clows, spiders, snakes. They would only eat you if you screamed. Fianlly i gave up. I scream soon all the animals came to me and ate me up. I died screaming.


I woke up screaming. My face was sweating. But i always sweated at night. I need my inhaler before i had an attack. I woke up Chandler.

"Are you ok."

"Yeah........It was.........Only" i said runnin gout of breath

"Are you sure you're look really red and your running out of breath."

"I........I.....N-Need........I-Inhal...." i said before passing out,

(Chandler's POV.)

Oh my gosh Liesel passed out. What was i going to do. I need to tell Norman. I ran to his room and knocked on his door until he came.

"What do you want Chandler?" he asked

"It's Liesel she passed out."

"She what."

"Come here." i said running to Liesel room

She was lying in bed where i left her.

"Where's her Inhaler?"

I looked around until i saw it."Here."

Norman put it into Liesel mouth and he presseed it and she puffed it. She started waking up. She was all dizzy. Atleast she was alright. What would have happened if she died? I wouldn't be able to see her anymore. I knew i need to spend all my time with Liesel. Because i never know which day is my last. I loved Liesel so much. I didn't what anything to happen to her. Norman told her to always have her inhaler right by her. Then he left and i tried to go to sleep.

"You ok?" i asked

"Yea. I'm fine."

"That good."

"Hey Chandler can i ask you something."

"Sure what is it?"


Hi my beautiful people i don't know if i'll be able to update my story tomorrow because i have a band concert and i'll have homework to do after that. So yeah. Please comment what you think Liesel is going to ask him. I love your guys comment. Please and thank you.


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