Chapter 11: Hospital

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They beat so many times I totally lost count how many times they did. A few minutes later the police found the Warehouse.

"Police! Put the knife down and step away from the girl." The cop said aiming the gun at Cole. Cole didn't do anything. He just stood there shock. "Put. The. Knife. Down. And step away from the girl."

Cole finally stepped down and a lady came over to me. She unhooked the handcuffs and laid me down on the floor. "Okay sweet heart. Just breath and stay with me. Everything will be okay. Mark!!! Send an ambulance. Hurry."

"Okay sweetheart. I want you tell tell us what happened." Another cop said.

I felt lightheaded. My body was losing blood fast. My face became pale. "Um...I..."

"Jay please no questions. She's loosing blood and can go into shock any minute. Please don't pressure her." The lady said. He just nodded his head and walked away."Are you okay sweetheart?" She asked

"Yeah i'm fine. I just can't move."

"Don't worry someone will be here soon to get you. Just calm down and breathe with me." She said.

I started breathing with her but it didn't help I had blacked out. What seemed like a few minutes I woke up and was staring at a ceiling.

I looked around me but didn't see the Ware house. I saw two chairs on either side of me. Machines which went into my arms. A T.V in front of me which was turned on. Some soap opera was on where the guy had cheated on his wife with her sister. I tried to stay calm of where I was but couldn't. I moved around and the heart monitor was beeping faster and faster. I had to get out of here.

A nurse walked in and looked up from her clipboard. "Oh well finally you're awake. It's been a few days."

"Where-Where am I?" I asked

She ignored me and started by putting something up my arm and taking my blood pressure. "Honey don't put pressure on your arm. Just let it relax.

"Where am I?"

"Okay you're blood pressure is normal. Now time for your meds. Here." She placed two pills in my hand and gave me some water. "Okay now take them. I'll get these papers into the front off-"

"WHERE AM I?!?" I yelled

"Honey please don't yell. We have other patient here not just you. Lower your voice."

"Tell me where I am."

"You're in the Atlanta Georgia hospital." She said then walked out.

A few minutes later the doctor came in. He smiled at me. "Hello mam. I'm Dr. Jacobs." He said sitting in a chair next to me.

"Um...Hello." I said

"Okay i'm just gonna ask you a few questions if that's okay?" I nodded my head. "Can you start by telling me your name?"

"Liesel Reedus."

"Thank you. Now please tell me what you remember. All we know was you were stabbed three times and were beaten. Please tell me everything you remember."

"Um... I was on a date with my boyfriend. A-And we were dancing- Where's Chandler?" I asked

"I'm not sure sweetheart. Please continue."

"Then an old friend of mine came out. He came to get revenge on me because I killed his friend. I didn't mean it, it just happened. Either way he took my boyfriend and beat him and made him black out. Then they took me put in the back of a van. When we got there I was hand cuffed to the chair."

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now