Chapter 98: Confused

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I walked though the crowd of people. I could still hear Cole calling out my name but I ignored him. After a few minutes I found Norman. I went up to him and poked his shoulder. He turned around. "Hey Liesel how's the party?" "It's great up but I just ran into Rachel and Cole." 

"How? How'd they know about the party?" He asked

"I don't know. Maybe a certain somebody posted on Instagram that we're having a party." i said

"Ok I know I did. I'm sorry." He said

"No i'm not talk about you. I'm talking about Mingus. He posted that we're having a party. Oh well they we're here to talk to me not to hurt me." i said

"We'll if they do anything to ruin the party tell me."

"They won't ruin the party I promise." I said.

"Good they better not. I sent a lot of money."

"You hardly spent anything. I bought the decorations. You bought the cake/cupcakes. And that's it."

"Still cupcakes are expensive these days." he said

"True... Have you seen Chandler?"

"Yeah he went to the roof."

"The roof? How'd he get up there?"

"There the window in the attic."

"We have an attic? Since when?" I'm not one of those people who forget. But I swear i've never seen an attic door in this house before. Or anything that leads to an attic.

"Liesel you've lived her for a year. You didn't know we had an attic?" i shook my head. "You know the closet in the bathroom? The one you never go into. We'll just go inside the closet. There will be a sting inside on the ceiling you pull it and there the attic." 

"How come you never told me about it? I could have used it."

"I thought you knew."

"We'll If I'd known I would have used it." 

"True. Plus Chandler told me that he wants to see you up there. Some important he wants to give to you." Norman said

"Ok then.. I'll see you later i guess. Oh wait." 


I took the pizza out of his hands took a bite and gave it to him. "Thanks." i said

"Uh... Your welcome?" he said more like a question.

I giggled and went to the bathroom. There was a couple in there kissing. "Out" i said. They looked at me and stood up and left. I closed the door and looked at the closet door. Once I took a good look at it I opened it up. There it was a the string Norman was talking about. I pulled it and down came a small latter. I climbed up and made my way up to the attic.

Once I was there I looked around. There were a ton of boxes fulled of baby clothes. I'm guessing they we're Mingus. There were crossbows hung up on the walls. This wasn't a smal attic. It was a huge on but it was very dusty. When i turned around there was a fake zombie there. I jumped and when I realized it was fake I calmed down. I turned around and there we're boxes marked 'Liesel'. I was confused. I got down on my knees and opened the box. Inside there was another box. But this one was fancy. It was a small wooden box (Picture on the side)

I lifted the lid and saw pictures of me. But not present pictures. Ones when I was younger. I was confused how in the world would Norman have gotten pictures of me when I was younger. In these pictures I was on a man back. And there was a women standing next to him. But these people weren't my parents. 

I was confused who in the world were these people. I started looking though all of these. They were all of me when I was under a year old. I took on photo and put it in my pocket. I put the rest back inside and closed the wooden box and put it back in the other box. After I put everything where it was supposed to go I saw an open window. I climbed up and saw Chandler sitting there.

"Hey Chandler." i said 

"Hey Liesel." he said 

"So Norman said you wanted to see me." 

"Yeah I did. You know how you always said that you wanted to see the city lights at night?" he asked

"Yeah what about it?" I asked as he covered my eyes

"We'll since I thought this would be the perfect night that i would show you them. It's really dark out so be careful. And look out at the view." He took his eyes and I looked at the view.

It was beautiful. It was like nothing i've ever seen before. Some lights we're out and most of them we're on. Every second that passed by a light went on and a light went off. It was looking at a ton of beautiful stars in the sky. "Chandler it's beautiful." i said

"Just like you."

He grabbed my chin softly and kissed me. I turned around to fast that we both fell down. When we landed I looked at him. He was on top of me. "Are you ok?" he asked

"Yeah... I'm fine." I said kissing him. He helped me sit up as we kissed. Inside the music changed. The song 'B-e-a utiful came on.' I pulled away from him. "I love you." i said.

"I love you more." i said. Rigth when we we're going to kiss again fireworks went off. Real fireworks. Everyone ran outside. Chandler and I both looked at the fireworks. He turned his head and looked at me for a while. "What?" i asked

"Nothing.. Just enjoying the view." He said. I smiled and kissed him. This was one of the best days ever. After the fireworks we're over Chandler and I went downstaris.

"Hey Liesel I gotta get going. I'll see you later ok?" he asked "Ok. Call me when you can." i said pecking his lips.I watched as he walked out the front door. I went to look for Norman. When I found him I dragged him into a room.

"What's going on Liesel?" he asked

I took out the picture from my pocket. "Why do you have this and where did you get it from?"

"Where did you get that from?" He asked worriedly.

"Answer the question. Why do you have this and where did you get it from?"


Hey look I updated. I hope you like the chapter and hey I have good news. I changed the name of the book. Now it makes more since than Stay with me Forever. But yeah. But this is the real good news. So a close friend of mine asked me if I was going to make a squel. And i'm like probably not. But then she started talking about what could happen in the book. And I loved the ideas she gave me so i'm like why not. So there IS going to be a squel to this book. Just like you asked for. I hope you guys like the chapter. And tell me your feelings about the squel. Until next time....................


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