Chapter 41: I'm What??

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"Fine Liesel........ I dont know how to say this." Sam said

"Say what?" i said slowly

"Sam just say it." Hazel said

"Liesel you kicked off the movie." Sam said

My eyes widen in disbelief. Then i started laughing. It had to be a joke. They just looked at me. Wondering why i woud be laughing at a time like this. I stopped laughing and my smile turned into a frown.

"W-Why aren't you guys? It's a joke isn't?" i asked

"It's not a joke. I got the call from the producers saying that you never answer your phone and they saw the video of you sleep. They said that if you were in the movie it wouldn't be success because youre in it." Hazel said

"S-So i really am kicked off the movie." i said starting to cry

"Yea." Chandler said putting his arm around me.

I brushed off his arm and ran to the bath room. There were a ton of girls in there. They all looked at me and laughed. Then they walked out of the bathroom. I stood infrot of the mirrior. My hands were on the sink. I stopped looking at the sink and looked at myself in the mirrior. Black tear drops were coming down my face. It was probably for the mascra i was wearing. I grabbed paper towels and wipped off my tears. I locked the girls bathroom so no one could come in. People were pouneding on the door but i ignored them. I sat right infront of the door. My head was in the middle of my knees. I was crying my heart out. First my social life is gone. Now my acting carrer is gone.

It's like i'm holding everyone back. Finally i unlocked the door and saw a ton of girls there. There legs were crossed. They looked like they were going to expoled any minute now so i left. I guess i was in the bathroom for a long time because the clock said 3:30. So school was over. I walked out to where i usually wait for Norman. I sat down on the bench and put my hoodie up so no on would see me. Now i have a lot of free time. Why was i complaining? I know why because acting was my life. Now it's not. They put it on the news that they kicked me off the movie. First i was on top of the world. Now i'm the laughing stock. 

Mingus came and sat down by me. He tried to say sorry. But i would ignore him. He hugged me but i didn't do anything. Norman finally picked us up. Mingus sat in the back and i sat up front. 

"How was school today." Norman asked

"It was greaat." Mingus said

"Liesel what about you?" he asked

I just scooted closer to the door looking out the wondow.

"I'll take that as it went great. You guys want ice cream?" he asked

"Yea sure." Mingus said

"Liesel do you want ice cream?" i didn't do anything "I'm guess not."

When we were drving down the street people looked in the car ans saw me. They laughed, took pictures of me. Why did my life have to be like this. It's all Kassy fault. I wanted to get her back. When we got home i went upstairs and laid down on my bed. Norman came in.

"Liesel what wrong." he asked

"Why would you think there's something wrong?" i asked

"Becasue i've been calling you so i could take you to the set but you won't come. You love to talk in the car everyday when i pick you guys up, and you past out on ice cream. I also got a call from your teacher saying that you skip detention. So what's the matter?"

"I got kicked off the movie." i said sitting up

"What why?" he asked

"Because 1. They been trying to call me and they say i never answer my phone and 2. Because someone put a video camera in my room which was recordin gmy night terrors. So i guess you can say i've had a great day today huh."

"Look Liesel i know i shouldn't have taken awa.."

"It doesn't matter now. You can keep my phone how ever long you want now. Because i'm pretty sure i'll be getting no calls." i yelled. 

"Liesel stop acting like this."

"Like what?"

"Stop yelling. And calm down"

I rolled my eyes. "Ok fine."

"Ok now i know i shouldn't have taken away your phone because of your acting. But i'm sorry. I didn't mean to get you kicked off the movie."

"Your not the only reason you know. It's also Kassy fault."

"Why are you Blaming Kassy? She a sweet girl."

"No she's not. On the outside yea but on the inside she's a devil. She the one would punched Haz in the noses. She the one who is using Mingus. She the one who got me kicked off the movie. Shes the would ruined my social life. Shes the one who put the carmeas in my room. She the one who post that video of me. And she the one who ruined my life."

"Stop over recating."

"Fine then you know what. Why do you put my back in the foster home and adopted Kassy. Since you love her more than me." i said running out of my room.

Why did everyone hate? Why is everyone against me? Maybe everyone was better off with out me. I shsould just go back to the foster home instead.

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now