Chapter 102: Bad Timing

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My head rested on Mingus lap while he played on my X-Box. All I could keep thinking about was what was going to happen when I first saw my parents. Would I hug them? Say hi? Offer them a drink? I don't know what to do in this situation. "Come on Zombie DIE DIE DIE!!" Mingus said.

"Click X for rapid fire." I said softly. He clicked X and all the zombies died.

"Thanks baby sister." he said. I nodded my head.

"Mingus do you think I have any other siblings?" I asked. He paused his video game and looked at me.

"I don't know. But it's a possibility."

I nodded my head. He continued with his game. I just walked out of my room and into the kitchen. Norman was on his phone. I just walked past him and opened the fridge. "Yeah... Sure when ever you want to see her. Tomorrow? Um sure. I'm shooting tomorrow at 4. You could take her out of the house then.... Perfect. Ok thank you... I'll see you tomorrow then.... Bye." Norman said. "Liesel so that was your mom on the phone."

"Which one?" I asked.

"The real one."

"Ok and...."

"Her and your dad are coming here tomorrow. They are coming at 12. Eating lunch here. Then when we're done were going to the park. Then i'm gonna go shoot. I told them the rest of the day is for you and them."

"But Chandler and I made plans for tomorrow. Ever second week on the month we go for ice cream. It's like Law dad. Remember?"

"We'll have Chandler meet your parents."

"I doubt my parents would want me to date a boy with long hair, who plays video games all day, and is a zombie slayer on T.V"

"So i'm not your dad?" he asked

"No your are it's just... You've known Chandler longer. So you know he's a great guy. He's didn't have to meet you for the first time cause he already knew you."

"Yeah i know. Don't know I know what you mean." He said

"Thank you."

"Jerk." he mumbled 

"Dad!" I said

"Kidding calm down. Now what do you want for dinner?"

"Depends. Are you cooking or ordering?" I asked

"Cooking." I looked at him. "Ordering."

"I knew it. When ever you 'cook' you order the food. What about you 'cook' Chinese's tonight."

"From Panda Express or China Town?"

"Both. But get the egg rolls from Panda Express. I hate the ones from China Town."

"Same. There to over cooked. Something we agree on." Norman said picking up his phone. "MINGUS!!!!" He yelled. 

We both waited to hear Mingus footsteps come down the stairs. When we saw him in the kitchen he started talking. "What dad?" He asked

"What do you want from Panda Express and China Town?"

"I don't care. As long you get the egg rolls from Panda Express the ones from China Town are nasty. They are way to over cooked."

"Right." I said.

"Ok then." Norman said. 

Mingus and I went to the living room. "Mingus want a one on one?" I asked.

"Bring it on baby sister."

"Don't call me that."

"I'll call you want ever I want baby sister." 

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now