Chapter 36: Oh My Gosh

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Sam and i sat out in the hallway for a long time. What was going to happen to us? I knew that when he moved we were going to have to break up. I didn't want to but i didn't like the idea of long distance relasionship. Mingus came to cheack on us. 

"Hey guys. Why you guys sad?" Mingus asked sitting down with us

"I'm moving." Sam said

"Oh i'm sorry." Mingus said

"Don't worry about it."

"Where you moving to?" 

"New York."

"Well either way dad told me to come get you because we need to head to the airport. So we can go home before school tomorrow."

"We will be right there." i said

We headed back inside the room. I grabbed my suitcase and we headed downstairs. Soon a cab came to come and get us. On the way to the airport i listen to music. It started raining. I put my legs on the seat and put my hood on . I looked out the window as the rain drops came down. Drip Drop.What is life going to be like when Sams not around. I won't have anyone. When we were at the airport we went though lugge cheack. Then we went to get some cookies to eat. Norman gave me a choclate chip cookie. I just put it into my pocket.

They called our plane number. We got up and went to the plane. I got the window seat. The rain was very light. I knew Sam was sorry for not telling me that he's moving.

"Come on Liesel talk to me." Sam said

"What." i said softly

"Are you mad?"

"No. I'm just thinking."

"About what?"

"What it's going to be like when your not around any more."

'I'll always be hear for you. We can video chat, text, call, anything. I would do anything to keep this relastionship going ."

"Long distance relastionships don't work out."

"But we can make it work." he said hold my hand

"I don't think we can. They just never work out."

"So are you saying were breaking up?"

I started tearing up " I think so. I'm sorry Sam."

"Don't be. I knew you wouldn't like the idea of us dating while were in different places. We can still be friends atleast."

"Yea we can. Do you want the charm braceltl back?"

"No you keep. When you look at it then you can think of me."


The plane landed and we got out. Andrew cam to pick us up. Norman sat upfront with Andrew and the rest of us sat in the back. We talked about different stuff. We dropped off Sam first then we went home. I went to my room and saw that Chandler was in there.

"What are you doing in my room?" i asked

"Don't you remember you gave me the key to your house."

"So you came in to my house?"

"Yea i wanted to be here when you came back." he said hugging me

"I got your note."

"Your pretty upset aren't you."

"Kinda. But me and Sam worked it out."


"We broke up."

'What? Why? I knew i shouldn't have told. You guys made a good couple." he said

"Dont worry. We both agreed it won't work out."

"I'm still sorry."

"It ok." i said "Where's Apollo and Artiems?"

"There in there cages."

"Thanks for taking care of them." i said huggin him

Once we pulled apart our faces were so close. I kinda wanted to kiss him but i didn't want to. Chandler started leaning in. When we was close of kissing me i turned my head so he could kiss my check. He pulled away and his face was red.

"Sorry." he said

"It's fine."

"Are you grounded?" he asked

"Yea. I get my phone in about 2 months. And after this week i get to watch T.V."

"Oh i recorded when you were on Ellen."

"You did."

"Yea you want to watch?"

"Umm i need to ask my dad."

I went to go ask Norman and he said only for this one time. I watch it with Chandler and when Sam came on i was pretty sad. I still wanted to be with him. I didn't know i was crying until i felt my tear fall down to my hand. Chandler kept looking at me and the T.V. 

"You ok?" he asked

"Umm." i said wiping my tears away "Yea i'm fine." 

"I can turn it off if you want."

"No it's fine."

We coniuted watching until it was over. I did great. I just wish i was still dating Sam. I miss him so much.

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now