Chapter 59: We're What?!?!

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After the interview Chandler I went to get ice cream. He held my hand. We laughed and talked about different things. I've noticed his voice has gotten deeper everyday. Oh we'll I loved it. His blue eyes and brown hair. His smile. I love everything about him. When we got to the ice cream parlor. I ordered a chocolate and vanilla mixed together with sprinklers. Chandler got just vanilla. We sat down. Then when I was about to take a lick at my ice I got a call from Norman.

"Hello?" I took a lick of my ice cream.

"Liesel. This is Dad. I have some good news. For you and Chandler so put me on speaker."

"Ok......Your on speaker." I said putting my phone on speaker.

It was a good thing hat no one was in ice cream parlor. "Is Chandler there with you."

"No dad he's on Mars. To fight of the aliens."

"Whatever. We'll the good news is that were going to New York for Comic Con."

My mouth hung open. Oh my gosh. I was going to be able to see Sam. Yay.

"Really? Were going to Comic Con? In New York?"

"Yea. And you can bring Polly, Summer, Aurora, and someone you meet along the way. Since you know you meet friends in random places."

"Whatever. But still in New York. That's were Sam is."

"Really? I didn't know he was there." He said with sarcasm in his voice.

"Ok thanks for telling us Dad. When do we leave?"

"2 days. So when you come home start packing."

"K bye a Dad. See you later."

"Ok Bye. Bye Chandler."

"Bye Norman."

I hung up. I can't believe i was going to be able to see Sam again. He told me he found a girlfriend. I'm so happy for him. When Chandler and I were done with ice cream we went to the park. We walked around. Talked about Comic Con.

"So what happens at Comic Con." I asked walking backwards

"We sit at a table people ask us question and we autograph stuff."

"Well that sounds easy."

"Not really. Sometimes we have to wake up early."

"Really?" I complained

"You'll get use to it. Plus we get to see Sam."

"I guess."

I turned around and bumped into someone. She had brown curly hair and brown eyes. She was around 5' 2".

"I'm sorry." We said at the same time

"Wait aren't you Liesel Reedus?" She asked

"Um yea how'd you know?"

"I watch the Walking Dead. And you one of my favorite characters. Well after Carl." She smiled

"Ahem." Chandler said

I liked how she wasn't freaking out about Chandler and I. Most fans would but she said calm. She treated us like normal people. Which we are. We talked and talked.

"What's you name I never got it."

"Oh my name is Bria." She said

"Bria that's a cool name."


"Hey this is a random question but what are you doing over the weekend?" I asked

"Oh um we'll I'm.....No that got cancelled.......I have this.......No I can't go to that.....I guess nothing. Why?"

"Would you like to come to New York with my Family and Friends and the cast if the walking dead?"

"Oh my gosh yes." She hugged me.

"We'll here's my address. In 2 days were leaving. So be at my house around 5 in the morning."

"Ok. Thank you so much. Bye." Bria said

"Bye." Chandler and I said

"Wow you make friends fast." Chandler told me

"I know. Everyone loves me. Not." I said

"Don't say that not everyone hates you."

"Tell me one person that doesn't hate me."

"Me. I love you. I've always loved you."

"Whatever. Oh hey I need to ask you something."


"What happened to Makenzie?"

"Oh we broke up along time ago. She was only using me for my money."

"Makenzie Makenzie Makenzie. Oh we'll you have me now."

"Yep. And I'm the most happiest person alive." He gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"You missed."

"What do you mean I missed."

"I mean you kissed my cheek not my lips."

"Shall we try that again then?"

"No I'm good."

He gave me a pouty face. I gave him and gave him a kiss. Then we ran to my house. It was a race, to see who was fast. So far I was winning but then he was a few feet infront of me. The once we saw my house I ran as fast as I could. It was a tie. We went inside and Summer, Aurora, and Polly were still there. On my couch eatting my Dortios. Wait what my Dortios. Oh no they don't.

"What do you think your doing?" I put my hands on my hips.

"Siting on the couch why?" Polly asked

"You eatting my Dortios. You never mess with my Dortios."

"Liesel you couldn't possibly eat all those yourself."

"It funny how the store sell family size Dortios bags. And think I'm going to share with my family. I would never share my Dortios with anyone."

"She's right never mess with her Dortios." Chandler said trying to grab a Dortio. I smacked his hand away. "Ow." He rubbed his hand.

"Like I said I don't share with anyone. Besides that I have some great news."

"What?" Everyone asked even Chandler.

"Chandler you know already."

"Oh about all of us going to New York for Comic Con?"

"Chandler!!!" I yelled


"I was supposed to tell them."


"We're what?" All the girl said beside me

"Yeah were going to New York fro Comic Con."

We all hugged each other. I couldn't wait for this weekend.

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now