Chapter 10: Never Saw That Coming

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Chandler and I were walking to the park. Everything was quiet for some reason. You could hear Chandler and I breath. The city seemed a bit to quiet, and I don't know how I feel about it.

"So what was it like living in a foster home?" Chandler asked

"It's like living in a normal home, but not coming home to a thousand other kids, with the exact same problem. Kids who aren't put up for adoption come home from school and hug their parents and get a home cooked meal. And when you're in a foster home you hope to come home and see parents there sitting on the couch waiting to adopt you, but stead come up to a cold meal."

"That must have really sucked. When were you put in the foster home?"

"When I was a year old. I still remember that day like it was yesterday. Most of the time kids forget about they're younger years, which mostly I did just not this memory."

"Can you tell me why you were put in the foster?"

"Sure, but it's a long story."

"We've got time. The park isn't for another four blocks."



"You are a worthless piece of shit." My mother yelled at me while hitting me with a beat. I was surprised that I wasn't dead yet.

"What should we do with her? We still haven't used the meat grinder."

"No we're not using the meat grinder. We aren't gonna kill her like that. The cops would find the meat grinder. We have to do it a different way."

"Then what do you suggest?"

"Put her in the closet. Put gloves on your hands so they don't get your fingerprints."

"She's our daughter. Our hand prints are already on her. It won't make a difference."

"Fine if we get caught it's your fault." She stated

While they were talking I snuck away and hide somewhere. Since I was only a year old I hid under the table.

"Where did you go? Shit. When I find you your dead." My father yelled


They found me a few minutes later under the table. They kept beating me until mostly my bones were broken. I coughed up blood.

"That's what you et for not being a perfect daughter I wanted." My mother yelled

End of Flashback

"The cops finally came to the house and put my parent both in jail."

"Is that why you have those scars on your arms and legs?" I nodded. "Oh my god. That sounds like something that would happen on T.V. I think I remember my older cousin watching a T.V. show where something like that happened. I'm not sure."

"Is it called The Terrible Life of Liesel Reedus?"

He laughed along with me. "We'll were here."

I looked up and saw that we were in a forest. There were trees all around the place. I loved it. Lights hung up on the trees. On the floor with fake candles and a were classic red and white checkered picnic blanket.

"Oh my god this is amazing." I said admiring the scenery. "You did this?"

"Yep and only for you."

"I love it." I said hugging him

Chandler grabbed my hand and sat me down on the blanket. He grabbed the picnic basket and opened it. There was so many options sandwiches, chips, soda, and candy.

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now