Chapter 60: The Relish Ruined It

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Hey everyone I wanted to say that I am now writing a Walking Dead fan-fiction. So please go and read it. I have enjoyed writing for you guys. All of you reading this you are the reason I want to kept reading. When I first started I thought wow 20 reads that's a lot. But now look how much I have. Thank you all so much. Don't worry Lexi you will be in the book soon. But my best friend had a character she wanted to put in so yeah.



I started packing for Comic Con. I don't knowl if I would be on stage or not. But hopefully I am. Chandler was helping me pack. Well not really he was only throwing me clothes. So he's not a big help. He threw me a blue shirt. And it landed on my head.

"Chandler I asked if you could help me. Not to throw clothes on me." I said

"Hey you asked for my help so I am helping."

"What I meant by help me is help me pick clothes. Not to throw them at me."

"That how I help people"

"Remind me to never ask you for help ever again."

"Sure thing."

He was about to put his feet on a another chair but I moved it before he could. His feet fell to the ground and made a huge thump. I laughed.

"I'm getting you back."

"I would love to see you try."

He ran downstairs. Who knows what he was going to do down there. I coninuted packing. Then I heared a knock on the door. I was going to get Chandler back. I grabbed my can of whipped cream. I went towards the door and when I opened the door I sprayed it on him. But when I stopped I noticed it wasn't Chandler it was Brice.

"Oh my gosh Brice I'm so sorry."

"It's fine."

"It's so great to see you. It's been forever. Where have you been?" I hugged him

"We'll see Paris, Tokyo, China, Mars." He was joking with me.

I gave him a 'are you serious' look.

"I'm joking Liesel. I've been recovering. I've had to have so many operation. And now I'm better."

"It's seem like it's been forever."

"Yea it has. Hey how come you never came to see me."

"Oh we'll I wasn't sure if you wanted me to..."

"Liesel of course I want you to come see me. So where you guys going. Well I assume your going somewhere because I see your packing."

"Comic con in New York. And I'm going to see my friend Sam."

"Wait Sam moved?"


"Ok can you catch me up on everything."

"Chandler and I are dating. Hazel and Mingus are dating. I got kid napped by Rachel and Cole. Oh and I met a few new friends. Aurora, Summer, Polly, and Bria."

"Dang I've missed so much."

"I know. But I'll see you when I get back from New York ok?"

"K. Plus I had to go."

"Can you help me with my bag. All I need to do is put them down stairs."


I grabbed my blue bag and Brice grabbed my red bag. Then he walked out the door. I walked around the house trying to look for Chandler. Then I heard thee front door open. I saw Chandlr and in his right hand was a hot dog.

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now