Chapter 51: I'm Not a Toy

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Sorry I haven't been updating in a while. I've been busy. But don't hate me I'm updating right now. Hope you like it.


Why was Rachel doing this to me? Was she still mad about the whole Chandler? She should learn to get over him. Rachel never really had a chance with him. Chandler doesn't even like her. They broke up like about over a year ago. Rachel walked over to me.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because I want to get back at you for taking my boyfriend."

"Rachel. Why can't you get over Chandler?"

"Because I love I'm."

"Yea but your dating Cole. He's a nice guy. You're lucky to have him. Lu should just get over Chandler and get to know Cole."

"Don't tell me what to do."

"I'm not telling you want to do I'm giving you advice. If you get to know Cole more than maybe it will turn into something more. All I'm saying is to get over Chandler."

"Why should I get arrive from you? You can't even keep a relationship for a long time."

"Hey! I loved Sam. If he hadn't moved I would still be with him. I truly did love him. I broke up with him because long distance relationship never work. But since Sam moved I got over him. Now I have Chandler and he might have another girlfriend. So like I've been saying get over Chandler."

"No I love Chandler. And I want to go out with him." She yelled

Cole came into the room when Rachel said that. He looked heart broken. I looked day him. The. When Rachel noicted why I wasn't paying attention to her she turned around. I could tell that Cole wanted to cry. Anyone could tell that he really loved Rachel.

"Cole I can explain." Rachel said

"No need to. I already no what's going on. You only wanted to kill Liesel so you can get Chandler. I should have known better."

"But Cole who's says I can love both of you?"

"You can't love both of us. It's not right. Now that I know why you wanted to kill Liesel I'm going to let her go."

"No. You can't let her go." She said standing infront of me

"I can do what ever I want" he said pushing her out of hhis way.

She he was about to let me go Rachel said something. "I'll do it with you."

"What?" He said

"You heard me, I'll do it with you but you have to do what I say."

"I'm not a toy you know."

Cole finally let me go. When he closed the door I ran and ran. I stopped infront of a sign. I had no idea where I was. So I looked at the sign and it said I was in Madison Georgia. From here to Atalanta was about an hour away. How was I going to get back? Then I saw a telephone post. But I realized I had no money. I saw this man with a guritar. I grabbed it and started playing it. I played Price tag by Jessie Jay.

Seems like everybody's got a price

I wonder how they sleep at night

When the sale comes and

The truth comes second

Just stop for a minute and

Smile, Why is everybody so serious

Acting so damn mysterious

Put the shades on your eyes

And your heels so high

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now