Chapter 106: I'm Ok

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I had passed out and I don't know why. When I opened my eyes the first person I saw was Norman. He smiled when I opened my eyes. Then he gave me a hug. "Thank god your ok Liesel." He said.

"What happened? The last thing I remember is that you were talking about Chandler and then I passed out."

"Yeah. You just passed out. When was the last time you took your inhaler?" He asked

"Um about two days ago. Why?"

"What do you mean why? Your supposed to take it everyday."

"I know i'm sorry. I just forgot. I'm sorry."

"You'd better not forget next time. You had me worried sick. At least your ok. Come on i'll take you to your room."

I started getting up but Norman stopped me. He picked me up bridal style and carried me upstairs. "Aren't I heavy?" I asked

"Not really. You need to eat more. Your hardly weigh anything. You're like a stick Liesel."

I rolled my eyes. When we got to my room he set me on my bed. I thanked him and he closed the door. I grabbed my phone and saw it was already two in the morning. I sighed. Chandler was probably already sleeping and I wasn't going to tell him that I passed out. That'll just give him another reason to stop me from going.

I put my phone back on the desk and got under my covers. I pulled them up to my face. I questioned my self all night. Do you ever get that feeling of guilt for no reason? I feel like I did something but then again I didn't know what I did.

I don't know how I feel asleep that night. All I remember was waking up the next morning. The sunshine was trying to get in but the blinds were blocking it from getting in. I looked at the time it was already 12 at night. I picked myself out of bed and went downstairs. Mingus was sleeping on the couch and he was watching something on T.V I went over to him and laid on him. He shout up and elbowed my face. "OWW!!" I yelled.

"What the hell Mingus."

"What did I do?" He asked.

"You elbowed my face. Now i'm bleeding."

"Sorry I thought you were a murder." "You always think i'm a murder."

"Hey... That's not true. That's a total lie." I looked at him and gave him a 'Are You Serious' face. "Fine maybe once or twice." I gave him the same look. "Ok i always think your a murder. Now stop pestering me."

"I'm not pestering you. I'm just simply telling you that your lying with my face. Speaking of my face it hurt and i'm bleeding." I said.

"Here let me take you to the bathroom."

"Mingus i'm pretty sure I can make it to the bathroom all by myself. Oh and if Chandler come just send him to my room." He nodded his head. I walked back upstairs and tried to open the door but somebody was in there. I knocked on the door.

"There somebody in here." I'm guessing it was real dad.

"Well could you hurry up. My nose it bleeding." I said.

The person flushed the toilet and opened the door. "Oh hey honey. What happened?"

"My brother elbowed me in the face." I said walking into the bathroom.


"Cause he was sleeping in the couch and I laid down on him and he thought I was murder and elbowed me in the face."

"I'll never understand your relationship with your brother." He said.

"Neither will I dad. Neither will I."

He nodded his head and walked out of the bathroom. I grabbed paper towels and put them up my nose. When I took it out it was all bloodily. I shook my head. I looked in the mirror and saw Chandler. I turned around and he smiled at me. "Mingus took me what happened. Are you ok?"

"Besides the fact that i'm bleeding i'm fine." i said

"Yeah there still some blood." He said pointing to my nose.

"I know. Just wait in my room." I said

He walked out and I just stayed there and cleaned myself up. When I was done I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I walked downstairs and Norman was there. I said good morning and grabbed an apple and an orange then walked back upstairs. I threw the apple at him and he caught it. "Thanks but i didn't want an apple."

"Oh well just eat it." I said sitting next to him.

He shrugged and took a bite. "So Liesel I wanted to talk about the whole New York thing."

"Yeah what about it?" I asked

"Are you really going?"

"Chandler if you want I don't have to go."

"Ok good." He sighed in relief.

"Chandler!! I was kidding. Of course i'm going. This is my dream job."

"I know what will happen to us? If you leave we're going to have to break up. And I don't want to break up with you. I love you."

"I love you to Chandler but... I want to go. I'm sorry."

"So were breaking up?"

"No. I never said that."

"Then what are we going to do?"

"Long distance relationships."

"But those never work out. People always fade away. Plus your only have once a year to visit. And I have the show to do. There'll be hardly any time to see each other face to face."

"I know we'll hardly be able to see each other but still. Lets make a deal. We're going to be the first ones to have a good long distance relationship."

"But what if-"

"No what if's it's gonna work. We'll video chat when we can. Take pictures of each other. I don't know anything. Just as long was we keep in touch. Cause we're not breaking up." I said.

He looked at me. "I don't know."

"What don't you know? Do you really want to lose me again?" I asked


"Then? We can make this work. I just know we can."

He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed him back. I pulled away and looked at him. I just stared into his big blue eyes. I smiled at him. Then Norman came into the room. He had something in his hands.

"So to interrupt but Liesel you need to take you inhaler. We don't want you to pass out again." He said tossing me my inhaler

"Pass out?" Chandler asked

"I passed out last night." I said taking my inhaler and putting it in my mouth.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was fine. I just hadn't taken my inhaler in 2 days. So I just passed out. I'm fine really Chandler i'm fine."

"If you say so."


Hey all my beautiful girls and guys. Sorry this chapter was late. As I said i'm going through a lot right now. I'm depression for many reason. And tomorrow i'm going to be out of town for a stupid music thing. And I have to learn a Graduation March in less that a week. Which sucks. I'm one of the few 8th grades who get to play with high schooler at graduation. So wish me luck. And then I had testing this whole week. It was terrible. We'll i'm gonna go now. Until next time.....


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