Chapter 88: Going To The 'Dinner Party'

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(Liesel's P.O.V)

I ran out of the ice cream shop. I knew something was happening with Chandler. But my heart said nothing was wrong. Finally after running alot i opened the door to my house and went up to my room. and heard footsteps behide me. It was the girls. They came up to me and hugged me.

"Liesel what wrong?" Summer asked

"Yeah we saw you run out of the Ice cream shop. And then we saw you smash ice cream on Chandler's head. Which i had to admit was pretty awesome. And can i just say if you weren't going to do that soon then i was." Bria said

"Guys no helping." i said wiping my tears away.

"Sorry." Lexi said

 "What the hell is wrong with me? I mean why do i keep on going back to Chandler? He cheated on me. And he broke up with me because he didn't believe me. Now i don't even know why i went out with him. I'm such a loser. Why? How could i be so stupid go back with a guy who only breaks my heart? I'm such an idiot." i said

"Liesel you're not an idiot. You just need to give Chandler a chance." Polly said

"And how many more chances? I've given him a lot of chances. I just don't see why i keep on giving him chances."

"Because people need chances. Like see how many chances you got in life. You gotten alot. So give Chandler a few more."

"I don't think i can."

"True guys. I mean he did cheat on her. Like i said he had his arm around another girl. And he kissed her cheek. I'm pretty sure there dating. Or unless he's way to friendly with his fans." Bria said

"Wait what? You knew Chandler was cheating on me and you didn't tell me? How could you? I thought we were friends."

"We are i'm sorry i didn't tell you. It's just.... I didn't have enough proof that he was cheating on you."

"I-It's fine. Atleast your heart was in the right place." i said

"Liesel do you need anything?" Ally asked

"No i think i'm fine. Maybe if i could be alone for a few minutes. By the way were's Lindsay? Did she leave with you guys?"

"Nope she stayed behide talking with Sam and Chandler. Maybe trying to figure out what the hell is happening." Ally said

"Ok thanks. Guys. For everything. Now can i please just be alone?"


They left the room and i put on sad music. After a few minutes i fell sleep. My dream was about Chandler and I in the future. Us getting married and having kids. But it was all wrong. I wasn't going to marry Chandler or have kids with him. 


I woke up by someone jumping up and down on my bed. I groaned and turn to the other side but they just kept on jumping. So i sat up and saw Emily and Laruren. I was so confused. They stopped jumping on my bed and just sat down on my bed looking at me.

"Uh..... Hi?" i said

"Hey." they said at the same time.

"Ok could you tell me what's going on here? Why are you in my room at....." i looked at my phone. "7 o'clock in the morning?" 

"Because Norman asked up to take you shopping. Were having dinner tonight. For season 5. So we thought hey might as well take you shopping sincd you don't have any clothes." Emily said

"But i have a whole closet full of clothes. Why can't......."

"Thos old clothes? No. Your not wearing that junk. I would even prefer you wearing a garbge bag instead of those old things."

"Ok fine. Let me get dresses. Then we can go shopping."

"Ok." they said at the same time."

Why is life hard. Why can't they see that i don't wanna go shopping? It's just ......No. I've been though to much. So now i need to rest. After i was ready i went downstaris. And grabbed a waffle out of the toster.

"Hey that was my waffle." Norman sai.

"Not anymore..... I'll be at the mall with Emily and Lauren." i yelled before getting into the car.

Norman went outside and shook his head while watching us drive away. Lauren was driving us to a mall that was close to my house. 

~~~A few hours later~~~

My feet were killing me. Lauren and Emily made me wear high heels the whole time at the mall. Ugh remind me to get them back. And they made me dye my hair back to brown. But the color would wash off in a few days. I looked so different in brown hair then in rainbow. When i got home Norman did not know who i was.

"Hey um... Girl what are you doing in my house?" Norman asked

"Dad. It's me. Liesel." i said

"Lie.... Oh my god it is you. What happened to your rainbow hair? Why are you wearing heals? What the hell did you do to my daughter?"

"Dad it's me. Lauren and Emily made me wear heals the whole time at the mall. And made me dye my hair brown."

"You look so different. Wow. Ok well get ready for the dinner. Did you buy a knew dress?"

"Yes dad i did. And don't come into my room for about an hour. Cause i'll be getting ready. Plus i have great news."

I ran upstairs and started getting ready. I grabbed my dress out of the bag and looked at it (Picture on the side). Then i went to the bathroom to curl my hair. Wonder why no one ever told me about this dinner. Usally they would tell me days before. But they bearly told me today. But why? Oh well

When i was done curling my hair i put on the dress and shoes. I walked downstairs without putting on makeup. Norman was in a suit and tie. I cleared my throut and he looked at me.

"Wow honey you look great, And let me just say i love your brown hair. Will it still be in when Mingus comes back in 2 days?"

"Yeah it will still be in. Plus i miss Mingus alot. Why does he have to go to his mom's?"

"Because we share Mingus it wouldn't be fair if i just kept Mingus."

"True true. But how come i've never meet Mingus's mom? She's supposed to be my mom right? Or is that not how it works?"

"I don't know you could ask her. If you want ask her if she could be your mom. But if you don't want a mom then don't ask."

"But i'm scared to ask her. Could you?"

"Sure why not. I'll do anything for you."


We started driving to the place we were going. But i notcied that no one was there. That's when i saw Chandler come out of the building.


Sorry i didn't update yesterday. I was busy but also lazy. Ugh theres another project for Science. Hate science. We're talking about rocks. Boring. I almost fall asleep. So back to the main thang. Oh my god Sundays The Walking Dead was like...... i can't explain. I kinda hate Eugene right now. Part of me wants him dead. But the other part doesn't. And who know that Abramham and Rostia had a thing? Not me. Hahaha. Dolphin smooth skin. <------------------ What Chris Hardwick said. So yeah. I'll try to update next Monday if i can. So yeah until next time......


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