Chapter 13: Getting Ready

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I walked out of Roberts office with a smile on my face. I guessed Chandler noticed. He walked over to me and kissed my cheek. "Why are you smiling? What did Robert need to talk to you about?" He asked

"What's wrong with wanting to smile? But either way Robert said he got me an audition for a movie."

"Oh my... That's huge. A movie? Oh my god." He said hugging me.

"Yeah I know. It's huge. I just hope out of the thousands of people who are going out for the same role I get it."

"Did he give you the script for the movie?

"Yeah it's in my back pocket. Why?"

"Can I help you practice sometime?" He asked shyly. "I mean I am a professional actor." He was starting to sound cocky. 

"Professional kid actor, if I may add. But sure, I'm trying out for the part of Josey."

"Josey. I like it."

"Yeah. I've just always hated the name Josey, but whatever."

"Have you told Norman about the audition?" Chandler asked

"No. I was just about to."

"Well we can't just keep this a secret forever."

"We?" I asked

"Yes we. Now come on we need to find him." He said pulling me.

"Slow down. I'm injured." I cried

He kept pulling me, but he was trying to be careful. After a few minutes we finally found Norman.

"There he is." Chandler said

"Hey Liesel. What's going on?" Norman asked

"Well I just got done talking to Robert, and got me an audition for a movie. Would it be okay if I auditioned for the role?"

"Yeah. Depends what the movie is about."

"What if it's about a guy raping the girl, and then a few months later she finds out she's having a baby. Then she looks for the guy who rapes her and they get married. Then when the baby comes they eat the baby because the guy brainwashed her?" I asked

Norman look disturb. "Hells no."

"I'm kidding. It's about a girl finding out she has cancer but then later finds out it's really a demon living inside of her."

"Well in that case yeah. I'd let you try out for it."

"Really? Oh my god thank you. Robert got me an audition in Florida for it."

"We're not moving all the way to Florida if you get the role."

"I know. It's gonna be filmed here. In Atlanta, Duh."

"It better be or you can say goodbye to the movie."

"It will. I promise."

"Well let get home and pack." He said

"Oh my gosh I totally forgot. Chandler can you come to Florida with us?"

"I'd love to, but I'd have to ask my mom if it's okay. I'll call you later and tell you okay?"

"Okay, bye then." I said kissing him



I mostly packed my favorite clothes. Black and blue skinny jeans. Band and T.V show shirts. A few paris of shoes. I had to put a dress for my performance. Norman still hasn't told me who I'm singing with. He says I will find out the night of the performance. We'll get to spend a whole week in Florida. The best part is that were going to be spending my birthday in Florida. After my performance I get to go see Imagine Dragons.

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now