Chapter 99: The Past Is All A Lie

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Both Norman and I sat in the room. We we're looking at each other. Norman looked down at the ground. "Look Liesel. I don't know where you got that from but I can explain."

"Then explain. Who are these people and how do you have pictures of them? How do you have pictures of me when I was younger? Explain to me." I said. "I can't explain to you Liesel. I just can't. I promise them I wouldn't"

"Who's them? Norman just tell me. I'm not gonna get mad. I just wanna know how do you have pictures of me when I was younger. Who the hell are these people."

"Your too young Liesel. I just can't tell you. Please can't you understand? All I can say is that whatever your parents told you is a lie. Everything now come on the parties almost over." He got up.

"No... I'm not young. I'm almost 16 for crying out loud. I just... Please tell me now." I said. Tears started coming out of my eyes.

"I can't I promised them. You just have to understand."

"You either tell me now. Or neither of us is leaving this room."

He looked at me and knew I wasn't kidding. "Fine sit down." he said. We both walked over to the couch. I looked up at Norman. "Ok the people in this picture are your parents" he said.

"No there not." I said

"Yes they are. The ones that your scared of. The ones who went away are not your parents. They kidnapped you and said that you we're there own. These people in the photo are really your parents. They've been looking for you for 14 years. Your not Liesel Sunner. Your Addison Manning. That's why you always got mad when people called your Liesel. Your names Addison."

I didn't know what to do. My whole past was a lie. My name wasn't Liesel. The parents I grew up with weren't my parents. My real parents have been looking for me this whole time. How could I have been so stupid? 

"Your real parents have been looking everywhere. That was the reason they couldn't find you your fake parents put your under a different name. Every time you ask where your parents we're they would hit you."

"So wait... I only lived with my real parents for 3 months or something?" i asked

"No... You lived with your real parents for 2 years. And with the ones who kid napped you for 7 years." 

"That's not possible. I was in the foster home since before I was one."

"Not's not true either. After you killed the boy in thrid grade you ran away and found the foster home. Then somehow you got into an accident and forgot everything. You thought that you we're there since you we're a baby but that was all a lie. They couldn't tell you anything or else you'd go crazy. You have no memory of your real parents. You dont remember your fake parents kidnapping you. You thought that you we're there child. But you weren't. I got in contact with your real parents after they annouced the broadway actors and actress. When they saw your face they called me. I told them about you and they knew it was you. They wanna come and see you. I was planning on telling you I was but.. I didn't know how. I'm sorry Liesel."

"What? T-They wanna come see me after all the terrible stuff i've done? Are they crazy? And how come they've never found me before? What took them so long?"

"Liesel like I told you your fake parents put you under a different name. So they couldn't find you. But when they saw you on the cast list thing and saw your face it made sense. They knew it was you. I'm still trying to figure out stuff to see if they could some how meet you. And they asked me if you wanted to met them and if you didn't than that'd be ok." 

"I don't know if I can. Your my dad. Helena my mom. I'm perfectly fine." "I know your not ready. That's why I didn't want to tell you. I was going to wait a few more years. Until you we're ready."

"I am ready but.. I don't know. What if I like them and want to live with them? I don't wanna leave dad. I love you." I said hugging him. 

"I know Liesel. I love you to. But it's your choice. If you want to meet them than it's your choice. I don't mind if you see them. But I think your old enough to meet them. But if you don't want to I understand. Just tell me if you want to see them or not."

I looked at him and looked at the ground. Was I ready to see my parents after 15 years? I don't even know if i'm ready. I didn't even know about them until today. "Can I think about it?" I asked.


"Oh and dad. Cole dropped by asking if I could go to my 'dad's' funeral. He died last night."

"We'll honey.. I don't know. I don't think you should. There not your parents. And I think your mom would only want to kidnap you don't you think?" 

"Yeah. But i'll think about it. I'm gonna go up to bed." I said.

"But the party."

"I know it's just that I have a lot on my mind right now."

"Ok. We'll then good night." he said.

"Goodnight." i said.

I opened the door and saw people dancing and eatting. Some people where drinking. I ignored the people trying to call me. I just went upstairs and sat in my bed. I heard someone knock on the door. When I looked up I saw Mingus.

"Hey Liesel. You ok?" He asked

"Yeah. I'm fine. It's just that..... i don't know. I don't think you would believe me."

"Try me." He said. I started off with the picture and went on from there. He's face told me that he didn't believe me. When I was done his mouth was open. "Your lying." he said

"Nope. Norman just told me."

"So wait let me get this straight. Your real parents we're looking for you and they couldn't find you cause your fake parents kid napped you and named you Liesel Sunner. When your real name Addison Manning?"

'Yeah... Pretty much."

"No wonder you hate when people call you Liesel. It mean death doesn't it?"

"Sorta. The name doesn't mean that but the word Lethal does. Lethal means sufficient to cause death. So what i'm guessing is that my fake parents wanted to name me Liesel so they could turn me into a serial killer."

"Whoa. This is all starting to make since now. Your whole back story. Wow.... It's like we're in a T.V show of FBI's."

"Shut up Mingus that's never gonna happen. But yeah my whole story is starting to fall to place."

"Damn i'd hate to be you right now."

"I hate being me right now as well. I just hate my life right now. It's so difficult."

"Your whole life has been terrible. No offense."

"None taken. But Amen. My life has been terrible like come on look. Look at my life. I wish I could some how wake up and pretend this never happen."

"That would be awesome. Like think about it. You waking up and then knowing what's gonna happen. So you can somehow prevent the bad stuff from happening."

"Yeah i know but that would never happen."

"Yeah i know but that would be awesome. It'll be like you have super powers."

"True. Look Mingus not trying to be mean but I came up here to be alone and get some sleep."

"Same..." he said. I looked at him and he looked at me. "Oh so you want me to-"

"Yeah Mingus I do. Please?"

"Sure. I guess i'll see you tomorrow morning then."

I nodded my head. Once Mingus was out of the room I fell asleep.


Ok so how'd you like the chapter? This is intesnse. Oh my god. But yeah...... This is one of my favorite chapters. So i almost have 100 chapters!!! And on the 18th of this month will be the one year anniversary on this book. So in honor of it i'll update on Wednesday. So yeah and last night episode was awesome. The bread is gone... Im sad now. We'll until next time......


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