Chapter 91: What Happened With Mingus

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I woke up the next morning and looked at the door. Why did i wake up in the first place? It's still dark outside that's when i heard a knock at the door and a head peeked in the doorway. Mingus? He came over to my bed and shook me. He didn't realize that i was awake. "Hey Lies. Lies. Liesel. Wake up. I gotta tell you something. Liesel please wake up." Mingus said 

"What do you want Mingus?" i asked. 

"I- I need to tell you something. Something important." he said

"What's up Min?" i asked

"We'll." he sat down on my bed and started crying. "Mingus tell me what's wrong. Right now. Please. Your scaring me."

"Liesel... um.... I don't know how to say this but.... um... i-i-i-i-i-i-i....."

"Mingus spit it out. Please tell me what happened. Please i'm not kidding tell me right now. Just spit it out right now."

"I-i-i-i can't your going to be mad at me. I don't know how your going to take it. Please Liesel if i tell you, you can't tell anyone. I'm serious. You can't. You can't tell mom or dad. No one not even Chandler."

"M-Mingus i can't keep that promise. It just depends on what you need to tell me. Just spit it out Mingus. I'm not going to be mad."

"Liesel....." i sat up and Mingus started crying in my shoulder. I rubbed his back and told him everything was going to be fine. "Nohtings going to be fine. Liesel nothing. I'm a bad person. I hate myself." he said

"Mingus Lucien Reedus tell me what the hell is happening right now. Your scaring me. You never have a problem telling me what happen. Please Mingus tell me what's going on right now."

"I-I-I-I-I-I-I.... I killed someone." he said just above a whisper.

My heart stopped. He looked into my eyes. I let a tear drop, drop from my eye. He wasn't kidding he really did kill someone. But how? Why? What did that person do? Mingus started crying in my shoulder again.

"Mingus how? why? when? Tell me what the hell happened. Why would you kill someone?" i asked

"I didn't mean to. I swear never in a million years would i ever think of killing someone. It's just. My mom was at work and I. Um.... I took her other car out for a drive. I didn't think anything of it. And i drove around town for a few minutes. The i was singing along to the radio and then a car came out of no where and hit my car. When i got out of the car i looked at the other car and saw alot of blood on the windsheld. I killed a teenager. He couldn't have been 16 or 17 and i killed him. I-I-I-I was so stupid. How could i be so stupid."

"Mingus your not stupid. OK? I made the same mistake. I killed someone to it still haunts me today. I wish i could have taken it back but i can't. Whats done is done there's nothing you can do about it. Nothing."

"But Liesel only you and mom know. Dad doesn't know about this and i don't want him to find out. Please promise me you won't tell him?"


"Please Liesel.... You can't tell him. I can't have dad mad at me. I just can't... It's not right. Please promise me you won't tell him. I'll tell him when the time is right. Please?" he said softly.

"I promise. I'm not going to tell dad. But you have to promise me that you'll tell him soon. And i mean soon."

"Ok i promise. But you have to help me tell him. I can't face him alone anymore. Everytime i look at him i feel guiltly like if i disoppented him. Like i'm not his child anymore. I feel like he wouldn't want me in his life anymore. I can't face him alone Liesel i can't..."

"Look Mingus. I'll help you tell him. I'll be right next to you when you tell him but you can't have me or your mom tell him. It has to be you. No matter what. Who cares if you get grounded. Ok?"

He nodded his head. We hugged one more time before we both fell asleep in my bed. After a few hours we both woke up. I smiled at Mingus and he smiled back weakly. "Awe Mingy. Turn that frown upside down." i said.

"I can't.... But i'll try just for you. I love you baby sis."

"I love you to big brother and don't call me that. Ugh i hate it when you call me that it get's annoying. Now get out so i can change. Today were having breakfast with your mom while Dad goes to work."

"You mean our mom?" he asked

"Yes our mom. Now out. Before i kick you out the door."

He walked out the room and i started changing. I wanted to wear something that said 'i'm not a bad girl' but also that says. 'i'm not a girly girl.'. After 10 minutes of searching for an outfit i picked out a white shirt some black skinny jeans. Black shoes. and a turqouise sweater. I ran downstairs and saw that Mingus was already ready.

"Hey daddy. How you doing on this fine morning?" i asked kissing his cheek

"I'm fine. What about you?"

"Oh i'm great. No i'm more than great. I'm perfect. I feel like i can do anything. I'm going to do a handstand." i looked at the ground. "Yeah can't do a handstand but you know what i mean."

"What did you do?" Norman asked

"N-nothing why? Why would i do something and keep it a secret from my dear father?"

"Ok i'm betting it's something bad. Now what did you do that i don't know?"

"Nothing dad. I didn't do anything. Nothing of the sort."

"Liesel Reedus what are you......" that's when the door bell rang.

"Whoops. To bad dad. Come on Mingus i'm getting a mom today. Let's get going. BYE DAD LOVE YOU!!!!!!" I yelled

Mingus and i ran out the door before Norman could finish his sentece. 


Hey guys. So last night... Oh my god. I started crying so bad. My mother came into my room asking what the hell happened. She rubed my back saying it was going to be ok and that it was jsut a show and i wanted to scream so bad at her saying 'IT'S NOT JUST A SHOW' IT'S MY LIFE MOTHER'. But i didn't. So yeah. Either way how was your Thanksgiving break? My was terrible. I sat at a table all by myself like every year. I'm such a loner. Either way i hoped you liked th chapter. Remember i'm still having the contest. I only have a few. And one of those people are going to be the lucky ones to be able to write with me. So yeah just comment your idea and i'll take a look at it. I love you all. Until next time.....


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