Chapter 25: Do I Like Him?

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I woke up before everybody else so I went to the kitchen. When I was looking in the kichten to find something to eat my phone rang. I ran to go pick it up so no one would wake up.

(L- Liesel S- Sam)

L- Hello?

S- Hey Liesel it's Sam

L - Hi why did you call?

S- I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies tonight?

L- So I'm guessing you heard about me and Chandler?

S- Yea I did so is that a yes?

L- I really don't think I'm ready to move on. Sorry maybe next time.

S- Ok I understand.

L- K bye

S- Bye

"Who was that?" Lauren said

"Oh umm Sam"

"Sam as in Chandlers best friend?"


"Why did he call?"

"He wanted to know if I wanted to go on a date tonight."

"Omg I can't believe your over Chandler and now you going on a date!" She said hugging me

"I said no to him."


"Because I'm not over Chandler."

"You have to get over him you know. And going on a date with someone else is a way to get over them."

"You really think so?"

"Yes so call that boy up and tell him you change you mind."

"I don't know?"

"Come on do you want to be sad? Or do you want to be happy?"


"Then call him."

I did as Lauren told me to do. I told him yes I would go to the movies with him. But I want sure if I liked him. We would be going to the movies at 5. Lauren dropped me off at home.

"Hey dad."

"Hey why you so happy?"

"Because I have a date tonight."

"With who?" Mingus asked

"It better not be with Chandler."

"It's not. It's with Sam."

"Sam? Chandler best friend?" Mingus asked


"I don't think that's a good idea." Norman said

"Why not?" I asked

"Because dating your ex's best friend is weird. You will still be seeing Chandler a lot. If you go out with Sam." He said

"I know but I really like him."

"Are you sure you like him. Or are you only using him to get over Chandler?" Norman said

"I like him."

"Are you sure?" Norman asked

"Yes I'm sure." I paused "No I'm not"

"Why are you going out with Sam then?" Mingus asked

"Lauren said if I go out with Sam it might help me to get over Chandler."

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