Chapter 95: Real Day

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I looked at Mingus and he looked at me. "Damn.....Liesel. Can't believe you forgot. And you we're pissed of at dad cause you thought he forgot."

"Oh shut up Mingus. I already feel terrible as it is. Don't make me feel worse."

"I just can't believe you forgot."

I took one look at Mingus and walked out the trailer. He followed me out. "Liesel where you going?"

"To Hogwarts. Where do you think i'm going?" i asked.

"No need to be sassy."

I rolled my eyes and continued walking. When we reached the studio I went over to Norman. He notcied me walking over to him so he stopped his conversation with one of the directors and walked over to me. He took one look at me and hugged me. "Liesel I'm sorry I forgot."

"Why are you sorry. I'm the one stupid enough to forget." i said.

"Wow I can't believe you two. What's up with the two of you? Forgeting important days like this. Atleast I remember."

"Mingus son. Please be quiet. Or i'll send you to Hogwarts." Norman said.

"What's what with you people and Hogwarts. What the F is Hogwarts?" he asked

"Honsetly don't you read?" i asked

"Nope. Apparently not. Go on with your little conversation."

"Look Liesel. I'm the one who forgot. Today was the day I adopted you. I singed the papers today a year ago. So you we're right."

"No Norman you we're right. You picked me up tomorrow a year ago. I didn't even know i was getting adopted until you said my name."


"Okay Norman. I will introduce you to each kid. This is Ella, Brooke, Robbie, Steph, Peter, Lucy, and Liesel."

"Sara you know i hate that name. I told you a million of times to call me Addison." I said

"Sorry 'Addison' i won't call you that again." Sara said. "Okay Norman why don't you tell them which of them you are taking home today."

"Well i am taking a girl home." when he said that the boys looked sad. "I am taking home L.."

Well that takes out all of us besides Lucy. I know that she is a lucky girl. And i will be stuck here for another 14 years. May the Lord help me.

"Liesel!" Norman said. I just looked at him for a second then smiled. I hugged him tightly.

"Thank you so much" I said starting to tear up.

"Well go upstairs and pack we got to get going." He said


"Maybe we we're both right. Cause I told you that I adopted you a year ago today. And picked you up a year ago tomorrow."

"So what's the real day you adopted me?"

"Today. A year ago. And tomorrow a year ago. From now on we will celebrate on the 2nd and 3rd." Norman said.


Just a filler chapter. Sorry it's so short. But hey next Monday i'll update after the premire of THE MID SEASON OF THE WALKING DEAD!!!! I can't wait. And i promise you i'll be longer than this one. Until next time.......


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