Chapter 87: Why Is Life So Hard

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So after the basket ball game we walked over to the ice cream shop. All the guys left. Beside Chandler and Sam. The girls stayed with us. We each got a booth. Chandler and I sat at a booth to our selves. Sam and Lindsay behide us.

Aurora, Summer, and Bria. Were behide Sam and Lindsay. Polly, Lexi, and Ally were infront of us. 

I sat right next to Chandler and we but our legs on the other side of the booth. I rested my head on his shoulder. And i was tired. Everyone else already got there ice cream besides Chandler and I. He shook me.

"Liesel come on get up so we can get ice cream like the rest of us." he said

"No. I'm tired. I wanna sit."

"Fine. But will you move so i can get us our ice cream?" he asked

"Fine. But get me a rocky road ice cream please. And two scoops."

"Yeah yeah yeah. I know. Give me a few mintues" he while giving me a kiss on the cheek.

I stood up and and let him go by. As he waited in line he looked over at me and i stuck out my tounge. He laughed and stuck out his tounge. I smiled. Wow i have the best boyfriend ever. I still can't believe that. Like. Come on we've been together for a long time. But the werid thing is i've been with Sam longer. Oh well i've always loved Chandler more. And plus Sam's dating my best fri..... Wait is that werid? Oh my god my best friend dating my ex. That is so werid. Oh well.

Chandler came back with two scoops of ice cream in a waffle cone for me. And for him mint chocolater chip. I got up and he sat down by the window. I kissed his cheek. And a smile formed on his lips.

"Why you smiling Chandler?" i asked. "Cause i still get nervous around you. And when you kiss me i get that tingle." He said

"Really? You still get a tingle when i kiss you?"

"Well duh. Cause i love you and um... I don't know. I just get that tingle."

"Awe i love you too."

"We still on for tomorrow?" he asked? "Of course we are." I smiled.

We ate our ice cream. And just talked about random stuff. We laughed. And then we looked over and saw that Sam and Lindsay were flirting with each other. I smiled and kissed his cheek. 

(Aurora's POV) Surprising right?

"Ok what do you thinks going on with Liesel and Chandler?" Summer asked asked

"I don't know. I just don't know cause it seems like Chandler's hiding something." Bria said

"I don't trust Chandler. Like he's famous and a ton of girls like him. So he could easily ditch Liesel for anyone. "

"Come on Chandler been dating Liesel for a long time. He seems like he likes her alot. I don't see why you guys don't like him." I said

"Ok on Aurora. Use common sense. I saw him with my own eyes." Bria said

"That doesn't mean he's cheating on Liesel. What if...."

"Aurora come on he had his arm around another's shoulder. Then he kissed her cheek. It sounds like there dating. Plus i don't think that Liesel has blonde hair." Summer said

"He can't be cheating on Liesel. He really loves her. He would never do that." i said

They shook there heads. And i looked over at Chandler. That's when a blonde headed girl came in. "That's her." Bria said

I looked at the girl. She looked at Chandler and he looked at her. She smiled and Chandler bobbed his head at her. This can't be true.....

(Polly's POV)

"Ok what was up with that blonde girl? She just walked in and smiled at Chandler. And he bobbed his head at her." i said

"I know right. I think he's cheating on Liesel. No guy would do that. Unless they were dating." Ally added.

"True but what if there just friends. You never know." lexi said

"Dude. He bobbed his head at her and she smiled at him. That's a sign." Ally said. "Plus i never trusted Chandler. When Megan came over and said mean stuff to her she went upstairs and cut herself. And then later we can't find Liesel. She was no where to be found. Come on. I don't trust her." Ally said

"That doesn't mean he's cheating on her. Like i said. What if there just friends."

"Whatever. But when Liesel get's her heart broken don't be mad when i say i told you so." i said

(Liesel's POV)

I laid my head on Chandler's shoulder. He rested his head on my head. That's when a blonde girl came into the shop. She smiled over at us. I just thought that she thought we were a cute couple. But then Chandler bobbed her head at her. I looked at Chandler and he was still looking at the girl. 

Oh my gosh. He's cheating on me. I sighed and sat up. Chandler looked at me. "What's wrong?" he asked me

"What don't you tell me you jerk."i said smushing my ice cream on his head.

He gasped. "W-What'd you do that for?"

"It looks like your real friendly with that blonde chick. What's going on with you and her anyways? You're cheating on me aren't you? Well like i said when i first met you. I don't date cheaters."

I walked out of the ice cream shop. And ran home. 

(Chandler's POV)

Ok what the hell was that for? I didn't do anything. That girl that walked by me was a friend. And i asked her to help me set up a perfect date for Liesel a few days ago. We hung out and i told her everything that Liesel liked. And now Liesel's mad at me.

Ugh. What's up with girls. And why does life have to be so hard? I rested my head on the back of booth. That's when Lily came over to me.

"Chandler what happened?" she asked

"Nothing. Liesel thati was cheating on her with you. Because i bobbed my head at her and you smiled at me. So she thought something was going on."

"Going on? Between you and me." she laughed. "Nothings going on."

"Try tell her that."

"Should i go talk to her? This is all my fault. Maybe i should go talk to her."

"I don't think your her favorite person right now. She might hate you. You know what? I have a great idea. You set up the date where we said we would go. I'll tell Norman if he can take her there tomorrow night and when she sees me i'll explain to her that i'm not dating you that you were only helping me."


Ok i'm sorry i didn't update on Monday. I totally forgot. Plus i was kinda busy cause my aunt and my older sister came over and we were talking. And i'm sad now. Well kinda. Cause my step said i'm an embrassment to our family because i'm werid. And i told him that i wanted to be a vet for the zoo. And he said that i'd just kill the animals because most of my pets have died. And now i feel bad. Ugh why is life so hard. Either way back to the story. Did you think that Chandler really cheated on Liesel? Well nope he isn't. So either way uh... Your welcome Polly and Aurora for giving you a P.O.V. If any of you are in the story as Liesel's friend and you want a P.O.V. Tell me and i'll give you one. Ok until next time.......


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