Chapter 17: My Birthday Part 2

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"You young lady don't tell me what to do. I am your mother, and you will give me some respect."

"Respect my ass. You're not my mother."

"Yes I am. I never sign a paper that says he is your legal guardian, and that is a huge part of the process. You can not adopt a child with out my consent."

"Are you the reason I never got adopted?"

"Yes I am. After I got out of jail I was going to come back for you."

"I never wanted you to come back for me. I hate you. Like you said I'm not a perfect daughter you wanted. You only want me because I'm starting to become famous. A-And your only in it for the money. I know that once I start becoming less famous you'll throw me back in the trash and never want me again."

"That's not true now your coming with me." She said pulling my arm

"HEY!!! LET GO OF HER!!" Norman yelled pulling me back.

"You can't tell me what to do with my own daughter. She's mine and always will be."

"You're not her mother anymore. She's my daughter."

"I'm the one who gave birth to her. I'm the one who carried her in my stomach for nine month, so I can do whatever I want with her."

"Do you even know what makes a parent? A caring heart, someone who will be there for there child when there in need of help. Not someone who will hit there child when they make mistakes. I'm more of a parent to Liesel than you ever were to her. I don't treat her as bad as you did. I would never even think about hurting a hair on her head, but you didn't care what happen to her. If the police hadn't come she would have been dead by now."

"You don't know any of that. They're lies."

"No they're not. She told me you beat her until all her bones were broken."

"Lies. She's a liar."

"What's going on here." A man said walking up to us.

"This lady is trying to take me away from my dad."

"That's not her dad. Her dad is at home waiting for her."

"Mam who are you...?"

"I'm this little girls mother."

"Sir she used to be my mother, but I got put in a foster home because she would abuse and I got adopted by Norman."

"I never signed the papers that said it was okay her her to get adopted by this man. She's still my daughter."

"I think you should come with me mam."

"I'm sorry this happened to you Miss. Reedus. Enjoy the rest of your day."

"Thank you. It's fine, but can I say something to her?"

"Go ahead."

"You listen here. If I ever see you again or if you try to have contact with me I will call the police on you, and they will take you jail. So stay away from me."

The man took her away from me. I wonder why this has to happen to me and why today. I wish it wasn't my birthday.

"You okay Liesel?" Norman asked

"Yeah I'm fine. Let's just get to my audition."


We went back to the hotel so I could change. When I was done we went to the place where the auditions were being held. I sat down with a bunch of girls and their parents. They were al wearing dresses, bows and flats or heels. I was wearing jean short, and T-shirt of The Walking Dead, my favorite red converse, and my beanie. They called out name by name. Finally towards the end it was just me and another girl.

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now