Chapter 120: The End

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7 months later 

I laid in the hospital with my newborn baby born. I held him in arms and watched as his small chest raised up and down. He had a full head of hair just like Chandler. Everything about him was just like Chandler. I smiled and kissed his forehead. 

"Mommy Mommy Mommy!!!!" Paige yelled coming into the room

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Dylan took my cookie away." She wined. I rolled my eyes. 

"Dylan give your sister back her cookie."

"But it's my cookie mommy. Paige already ate hers. She just wants mine." Dylan said 

"Paige just go and get another cookie. Your uncle Mingus is probably in the kitchen stuffing his face with them right now. Where's Becky?" 

"She's in the bathroom hiding." Paige pointed to the bathroom

"And why would she be hiding? Dylan what did you say this time?"

"He told her she's not our sister and that she should leave forever because she doesn't need to be with us." Paige said

I looked at Dylan and then at the bathroom. I put the baby but in his bed the nurse put in the room. I went to the bathroom and opened the door. I looked in the corner and saw she was sitting with her knees close to her chest. 

"Becky? Are you okay?" I asked

She shook her head. "Dylan's a meany." 

"Listen Becky I know you're sad that Dylan said you're not his sister but you are. You're as much of my child as he and Paige are. If you didn't know i'm adopted too. Uncle isn't my real brother but he's my brother."

"Did uncle Mingus ever hate you?"

"Yes and No. When I would get him mad yes, and he did the same thing to me that Dylan did to you. He said I wasn't his real sister, but now look at us he loves me and you four." I said kissing her forehead. "If Dylan ever says that to you again just tell me. DYLAN GET IN HERE!!!!"

Dylan walked in. "Yes mama?" He asked

"Say your sorry to your sister."

"But she's not my sister."

"Yes she is. Now say sorry." I said

"I'm sorry Becky." He said

"Thank you. Now Beck go find uncle Mingus. I'm gonna talk to Dylan." She nodded her head. I grabbed Dylans hand and walked him and placed him on the bed. He looked down at his feet. "Dylan look at me." I said

He had big blue eyes just like Chandler, but he had my long eyelashes. He's hair was getting longer. He need to get his hair cut soon. "Yes mama?"

"Why don't you call me mommy anymore?" 

"My friends call me a baby if I do."

"Don't listen to them. You can call me mommy, but either way. Why did you say that to Becky?"

"Because I get made fun of at school. They say she doesn't look like me and she has no friends. I don't want to be bullied mama."

"I don't care what the kids at school think. She's your sister. Just cause she's adopted doesn't mean she's not my child. I was adopted too baby. Uncle Mingus was very nice to me. All I want is for Becky to fell like she's not alone. Please Dylan be nice. If grandpa hadn't adopted me I wouldn't have met daddy."

He started crying. I sighed and put him in my lap and held him tightly. "I miss daddy." He cried

I kissed his forehead. "I miss him too. But hey now you have a little brother aren't you happy?" I asked

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now